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Showing 371-380 of 632 results

French cosmetics brand Yves Rocher dismisses union members

18 May, 2018UPDATE 18 May: YVES ROCHER DISMISSES 115 UNION MEMBERS. Since the publication of the article on the 16th of May, the situation in Turkey has gravely deteriorated. The local management of Yves Rocher continues to dismiss union members. As of 18 May, the number of dismissed workers has reached 115.

Belarus: Independent union leaders face long prison sentences

16 May, 2018On 8 May, the criminal investigation against Belarussian trade unionists Gennady Fedynich and Ihar Komlik was concluded. Both union leaders are accused of large-scale tax evasion.

What is the ILC?

4 May, 2018The 187 member states of the International Labour Organization meet every year in June at the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland. 

Grasberg: agreement signed but dispute continues

22 March, 2018Thousands of workers fired for striking by Freeport in Indonesia continue to suffer following an agreement reached with Freeport.

Zambia: Dangote confronted over union busting

22 March, 2018IndustriALL affiliates, the National Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers and the Mineworkers Union of Zambia are fighting against African multinational cement company, Dangote, for violating workers’ rights to organize, freedom of association, and for failing to recognize collective bargaining rights.

Pakistan: Sacked GSK workers fight for justice

12 March, 2018Pakistani management of the British pharmaceutical multinational GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has illegally dismissed over 150 workers after years of union busting and manipulation of contracts.

Union in Ghana calls for strike against retrenchment of 2,150 mineworkers

8 March, 2018The Ghana Mineworkers Union (GMWU) has announced a series of strikes in solidarity with 2,150 mineworkers who face retrenchments at Gold Fields Ghana Limited Tarkwa mine – about 200km from Accra. There will be strikes on 13 March at Tarkwa and Damang, a sympathy strike by mining workers on 20 March, and a general strike on 27 March.

IndustriALL urges Shell to intervene over fired trade union leaders in Brazil

7 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union has called on Royal Dutch Shell Plc to intervene in the unfair dismissal of three union leaders at its subsidiary Raízen Energia in Brazil.

Iran: 10 detained after protests over unpaid wages of 4,000 steel workers

6 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union is calling for the immediate release of ten steel mill workers detained after protests against unpaid wages of 4,000 workers at the Iran National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz. 

Belarus: unemployed will pay more for public services

5 February, 2018A new presidential decree in Belarus has ruled that unemployed workers will be subject to additional charges for public services subsidized by the state.