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Showing 351-360 of 512 results

Indian government concedes to coal strikers

8 January, 2015Over half a million coalminers in India have ended a planned five-day strike after two days as the government gave assurances not to privatize Coal India Ltd (CIL). IndustriALL Global Union coal mining affiliates led the massive strike which ended on 7 January. 

Half a million Indian coalminers launch strike

6 January, 2015IndustriALL Global Union’s mining affiliates in India are leading a five-day nationwide strike that has shut down the country’s coal industry. Beginning 6 January, the strike is in rejection of government plans to privatize state-owned Coal India Ltd. (CIL) which produces almost all of India’s coal.

Murder exposes rampant sexism in South African mines

12 December, 2014A verdict of two life sentences handed down on 27 November 2014 nearly three years after miner Pinky  Mosiane’s rape and murder underground at Anglo Platinum’s Khomanani mine is only a partial victory as women still suffer systemic violence, exploitation and abuse in South Africa’s mines.

Global campaign victory: Turkey ratifies ILO C176

9 December, 2014Years of campaigning led by IndustriALL Global Union has resulted in a major win for Turkish miners. Turkey’s Parliament finally approved the ILO Convention 176 on safety and health in mines on 4 December.

Glencore day of action

9 December, 2014Mining giant Glencore claims to respect collective bargaining and the right of employees to freely choose a union. But Glencore’s practice is way different to its rhetoric. In response to the company's disrepect for workers' rights, unions are holding a day of action on 10 December. 

Continued strike at Glencore’s Koornfontein mine

5 December, 2014800 workers at the Koornfontein mine in Mpumalanga, South Africa, have been on strike since 17 October, protesting against substandard severance payments.

Tense standoff at Swazi Maloma Colliery

27 November, 2014Striking workers at Maloma Colliery in Swaziland have retreated to a hill and refuse to return to work until their demand for a housing allowance are met.

IndustriALL targets Glencore for anti-union behaviour

20 November, 2014In a significant moment for IndustriALL’s mining sector, a Glencore global network has been launched in Sao Paulo this week. The new global network committed to a mobilization programme.

200 Polish miners occupy company headquarters

17 November, 2014Two hundred Polish miners are occupying the headquarters of the European Union’s largest thermal coal producer in protest at plans to liquidate the firm.

BHP Billiton and Glencore Xstrata workers in Peru prepare for strike

4 November, 2014Union members at the Antamina mine in Peru have decided to start an indefinite strike on 10 November in support of demands for improvements in working conditions and a greater share of company profits. The union is affiliated to the National Miners’ Federation (FNTMMSRP).