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Showing 351-360 of 457 results

Hugo Boss continues to treat Turkish workers like garbage

7 April, 2016In March, Hugo Boss fired Meryem Bicakci because she supports the Teksif trade union organizing at her factory. It is another sacking in a long-running union-busting campaign by the luxury fashion label at its largest production facility in Izmir, Turkey.

IndustriALL affiliates review trade union organizing efforts in India

22 February, 2016IndustriALL Indian affiliates are comitted to continue organizing precarious workers in the textile, garment, leather, steel, mining and energy sectors.

Global unions criticize Bangladesh Government over EU compact

26 January, 2016Three global unions have made a critical assessment of the Government of Bangladesh saying it is failing to comply with a compact made with the European Union in the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster.

Indonesian garment unions set for organizing drive

15 January, 2016IndustriALL Global Union Indonesian garment and textile affiliates, Garteks and SPN, are actively preparing for an intensive year of organizing in 2016. 

Agreement with H&M proves instrumental in resolving conflicts

7 January, 2016A global framework agreement (GFA) signed between IndustriALL Global Union and Swedish clothing company H&M has been an accelerator in reinstating sacked workers at garment factories in both Myanmar and Pakistan just a couple of months after it came into force.

Women affiliates trained in Myanmar

6 January, 2016Some 68 women leaders and members of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in the textile, garment and mining industries in Myanmar have been trained in team-building and leadership skills. 

CUT youth in Brazil discuss racial equality

4 November, 2015Forty young workers from the industrial sector met on 22-24 October to discuss racial equality. The movement needs to pursue this issue in order to promote equality and reduce discrimination.

New hope for garment worker wages

23 September, 2015The first steps towards industry wage bargaining for garment workers were taken in Cambodia last week.

Argentina textile unions unite to campaign against precarious work

24 August, 2015Five textile industry unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union have agreed to join forces to campaign against precarious work in the sector, following a meeting in Buenos Aires on 11 August. 

Industry bargaining for living wages

18 August, 2015As pressure is increasing on multinational corporations (MNCs) to account for violations of workers’ rights in their global supply chains, trade unions are identifying how MNCs’ own sourcing practices lead to these violations and developing new models of cooperation to change them. IndustriALL is working with major clothing brands in a process known as ACT to create a system that can increase wages in a sustainable and enforceable way.