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Showing 341-350 of 609 results

Another worker killed at LafargeHolcim operation in India

29 January, 2018***UPDATE*** On 30 January, just few days after the killing of the contract worker Arun Singh at LafargeHolcim another similar incident happened again at the same factory. According to the union representative Vijay Thakre this time fortunately no worker was injured, but the incident poses serious doubts about effectiveness of health and safety policies of the company.

Italian metalworkers demand: “No more deaths at work!”

23 January, 2018IndustriALL affiliates FIOM-CGIL, FIM-CISL and UILM-UIL organized a rally and one-hour strike across the Lombardy region to attract public attention to the problem of poor health and safety at work, following four recent tragic fatalities at Lamina spa in Rho, Milan and Elettronica LG in Rovato, Brescia.

IndustriALL, UNI and BWI sign global framework agreement with Stora Enso

19 January, 2018The three global unions today signed a global framework agreement (GFA) with the renewable materials company Stora Enso at the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, in the presence of ILO Director General Guy Ryder. Observer signatures were made by the presidents of the Swedish Paper Workers’ Union, the Swedish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers’, and the Finnish Paper Workers’ Union.

Namibia: Union protest sloppy safety standards at Skorpion Zinc mine

15 January, 2018Hundreds of workers from IndustriALL affiliate, the Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN), from the Rosh Pinah branch, demonstrated against worsening health and safety standards at the Skorpion Zinc Mine, about 600 km from Windhoek, earlier this month.

Mexican labour reform proposals respond to employers' interests

18 December, 2017Two new labour reform proposals have been recently presented to the Senate in Mexico. Both seek to amend the constitutional labour reform approved in February and introduce rules that respond to the interests of employers and business unions.

Brazil Supreme Court bans asbestos use and sale

18 December, 2017Workers in Brazil have won a major victory: the Supreme Court of Brazil has banned the use and sale of asbestos.

Settlement reached with global fashion brand in Bangladesh Accord arbitration

15 December, 2017IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union have reached a settlement agreement in a case under the legally-binding enforcement mechanisms of the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety. 

Unions at Shell to protest violations on Human Rights Day

5 December, 2017IndustriALL Global Union affiliates around the world are preparing to take action on 10 December to demand that Shell respects the human rights of all Shell workers, wherever they work. 

Henkel uses scabs in US to break workers’ strike

30 November, 2017Since 16 October 2017 over 80 members of the IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) working at Henkel Aerospace Bay Point in Pittsburgh, CA have gone on strike due to their employer’s reluctance to address the issue of workers’ safety and other shop floor concerns.

CTM thugs kill two brothers at Mexico's Media Luna mine

21 November, 2017Two miners employed by Torex Gold Resources of Mexico were killed during a peaceful strike by armed thugs hired by the Confederación de Trabajadores Mexicanos (CTM).