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Showing 3381-3390 of 5752 results

Indian mine unions to launch joint campaign for adoption of ILO convention 176

11 August, 2016At the national mining conference on 2 – 3 August, Indian mining unions decided to intensify efforts to improve safe working conditions, protect the rights of precarious workers and called for a Just Transition when combatting climate change.

IndustriALL condemns death threats made to Colombian union leader

10 August, 2016IndustriALL Global Union is outraged at the threats received by trade union leader Rodolfo Vecino Acevedo, a member of the national executive committee of the Colombian oil workers’ union, USO, an IndustriALL affiliate. 

IndustriALL denounces Pakistan suicide attack

9 August, 2016IndustriALL Global Union condemns the suicide bombing carried out by the Pakistani Taliban at a hospital in Quetta on Monday, which killed 70 people and left at least 120 injured.

The Olympic Games must respect workers’ rights while celebrating the human spirit

4 August, 2016By Jyrki Raina, general secretary of IndustriALL Global Union.

Pakistan: mine deaths highlight urgent need to ratify ILO C176

4 August, 2016Three workers have been killed and another seriously injured in an accident at the state-owned Shahrigh coalmine in Pakistan, emphasizing the urgent need for the country to ratify the ILO Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines.

Unions meet with EDF management for annual GFA evaluation

4 August, 2016Representatives of unions and management from the French company EDF met in Paris to revive the GFA, officially called “Worldwide Corporate Social Responsibility Agreement”.

North Sea workers strike again as support floods in from around the world

3 August, 2016Unite and RMT members working on seven Shell platforms in the North Sea will take further strike action on 4 and 5 August.

Latin American chemical sector workers prioritize networks

3 August, 2016The second meeting of Latin American chemical sector workers took place in Montevideo, Uruguay on 28-29 July. The meeting stressed the importance of strengthening regional networks in order to achieve change and improvements for workers in the industry.

Asian garment unions push for higher wages

3 August, 2016Meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from seven Asian countries discussed how to strengthen their collaboration towards achieving living wages for garment workers in the region.

Regional paper and cellulose sector aims to form federation

2 August, 2016More than 30 leaders of trade unions in the Latin American paper and cellulose industry shared ideas on forming a federation that would help to build networks and strengthen the industry in the region.