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Showing 331-340 of 389 results

Global supply chain alliance set to build union power

13 December, 2012A new global alliance, covering workers across the aeronautical supply chain, has been launched in a bid to bolster union strength.

Excellon’s denials debunked

5 December, 2012IndustriALL Global Union challenges claims by the Canadian mining company Excellon that all is well at its operations in Durango in Mexico.

Support Colombian glass workers in conflict with Owens Illinois

29 November, 2012Colombian glassworker union Sintravidricol is facing obstinate management negotiators in bargaining for a new collective agreement with Owens Illinois subsidiary Cristalería Peldar. Today’s meeting is unlikely to provide a positive result and the next step will be a strike ballot. Send your message to management here.

US Nissan workers seek fair union election

26 November, 2012Launched at the LabourStart conference in Sydney on 26 November, 3,000 workers at Nissan’s assembly plant in Canton, Mississippi, USA are campaigning for a fair union election and an end to Nissan’s fear and intimidation tactics.

Glencore-Xstrata merger approved

21 November, 2012IndustriALL Global Union joined a group of protesting activists in Zug, Switzerland as Xstrata Shareholders approved its takeover by Glencore.

Mexican glass workers still fighting

20 November, 2012IndustriALL’s Mexican glass worker affiliate, SUTEIVP, is now in its fifth year of struggle for the right to organize and bargain collectively at the plant producing glass bottles for Corona beer in Potosí, northern Mexico.

Brazilian march in solidarity with European Workers

15 November, 2012As workers throughout Europe were striking against the neo-liberal austerity agenda the Gerdau Workers’ World Council was supporting them from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Sanction of the Xstrata Glencore merger challenged

15 November, 2012The proposed merger between giants Glencore and Xstrata goes to a shareholder vote on 20 November, as processes continue assessing the monopolistic concerns the merger brings.

South African workers' protest violently put down at Xstrata

14 November, 2012In the third incident of violent police action at Xstrata’s South African Kroondal operations in a week, police fired on mineworkers during a protest on 13 November, arresting 37 including shop stewards.

CFMEU strikes at Rio Tinto mine

14 November, 2012Mining giant Rio Tinto is showing its anti-union character once again. In closing its Australian Blair Athol mine the company is paying lower redundancy packages to CFMEU union members than to other workers.