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Showing 321-330 of 478 results

Oil services giant Schlumberger abusing agency workers in Indonesia

7 May, 2014The local subsidiary of US – headquartered Schlumberger is using a labour agency to avoid the trade union and pay workers lower benefits in Indonesia. Workers are mounting a fight back with the help of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, FSP KEP-KSPI.

FUP Women’s Network at Petrobras meets in Salvador

2 May, 2014The Brazilian oil workers’ union FUP has a women’s network and collective at Petrobras. On 25 – 27 April they met for the second time in Salvador. The meeting was held against the background of right wing attacks against the national oil company Petrobras, attacks which are multiplying in the election year. The conference was attended by around 60 women.

Dis-connecting people - raising the voice of workers at Nokia India

2 May, 2014On International Workers' Day, trade union Thozhilalar Sangam at Nokia India released a film called Dis-Connecting People. The film documents the voices of workers that have been muted in the battle between the state and the company.

Indonesia: 363 workers suspended for demanding an end to precarious contracts

30 April, 2014At the World Energy Conference IndustriALL Global Union affiliates adopted a resolution to push for the reinstatement of 363 precarious workers into permanent employment at the Indonesian state owned company Pertamina in Aceh.

IndustriALL Indonesian Council intensifies organizing and campaigning for a better future

25 March, 2014On 10-11 March, 2014 IndustriALL Indonesian Council members gathered at the National Unity Meeting held in Jakarta. 24 union leaders consisting of 9 women and 15 men representing 11 national federations from mining, oil and gas, to manufacturing sectors, discussed labour situations and organizing strategy, the national laws and maternity protection campaign.

Fight against precarious work: a central demand in Rio Tinto Campaign

2 March, 2014Rio Tinto is notorious for its union bashing tactics and abuse of precarious workers. As a consequence, IndustriALL Global Union launched in Cape Town, South Africa, on 6 February, its global corporate campaign against mining giant Rio Tinto. The main aim of this campaign is to force a seismic shift in the way Rio Tinto relates to workers and trade unions across their operations.

African unions confront precarious work

29 January, 2014Meeting in Togo, affiliates from 13 African countries evaluated their successes and challenges in 2013 and strategized how they will continue to make progress against precarious work in 2014.

Thai and Indonesian unions foster solidarity

29 January, 2014The national campaigns against precarious work in Indonesia in 2012 and 2013 mobilized millions of workers and showed true trade union power. It inspired many unions around the world, including Thai unions participating at national workshops on precarious work, organizing and campaigning held in Bangkok, in September last year. The result was a study visit to Indonesia.

IndustriALL affiliates continue their struggle to STOP precarious work

18 December, 20132013 is coming to an end. During this year IndustriALL affiliates have taken major actions to defend their labour rights and the rights of the precarious workers working alongside them.

IndustriALL launches second issue of “Global Worker”

5 December, 2013The second issue of IndustriALL Global Union’s journal, “Global Worker”, was launched this week at the 4-5 December IndustriALL Executive Committee meeting in Geneva. Sign up to receive copies of the journal or view online.