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Showing 321-330 of 609 results

South Africa: Union protests Glencore malpractices

26 April, 2018Hundreds of workers from IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), marched to Glencore's office in Johannesburg on 25 April, protesting against the mining giant’s workers’ and human rights abuses.

Pakistan has failed to learn lessons of Gadani tradegy, say unions

24 April, 2018On 1 November, 2016, 29 workers were killed and several more injured while dismantling an oil tanker at Pakistan’s Gadani shipbreaking yard. Speakers at a seminar on the industry, organized by IndustriALL affiliate the National Trade Union Federation in Karachi on 21 April, said that the government does not appear to have learnt any lessons from the tragedy.

Five years after Rana Plaza, the need for the Bangladesh Accord persists

23 April, 2018A few days before the fifth anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster that killed 1,134 workers, global trade unions and labour rights organizations are calling on all brands sourcing from Bangladesh to take responsibility for workers making their products by signing the renewed Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety.

Pakistan: 11 workers killed in series of mine accidents

5 April, 2018With the horrific mine accident that killed six workers in the Kalat district in Balochistan on 4 April 2018, at least 11 workers at mines in different parts of Pakistan have died since the end of March. 

Mozambique: Union shocked by appalling conditions at plastics factory

4 April, 2018Workers at a Chinese-owned plastics factory in Mozambique are being forced to work in shocking conditions according to IndustriALL Global Union trade union affiliate, SINTIQUIAF, which organizes more than 15,000 workers in the chemical and allied industries.

Ukrainian miners trapped underground as power cut off

4 April, 2018Some 240 miners were needlessly trapped 1,000 metres underground for several hours after the local electricity provider cut power to the Gorsakaya mine in the Ukraine on 2 April.

South African mines claim more lives

27 March, 2018Since January this year, 17 workers have been killed in South African mines. Last week a worker died from an accident at a Sibanye Stillwater operation which mines platinum in Rustenburg while another died at De Beers Venetia diamond mine in Limpopo early this week. 

IndustriALL and BWI file OECD complaint against BHP Billiton and Vale

26 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union and the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) have filed a complaint against the British-Australian company, BHP Billiton, and Brazilian mining multinational, Vale S.A., under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

IndustriALL warns car industry of worker abuse in Glencore cobalt mines

22 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union is calling on the car industry to pressure Glencore to clean up its operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), after revelations of dire working conditions at the company’s cobalt mines in the country. 

Zambia: Dangote confronted over union busting

22 March, 2018IndustriALL affiliates, the National Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers and the Mineworkers Union of Zambia are fighting against African multinational cement company, Dangote, for violating workers’ rights to organize, freedom of association, and for failing to recognize collective bargaining rights.