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Update on the #Tipitapa12

20 December, 2016The 12 workers arrested for taking part in a protest action against the dismissal of their union reps in Nicaragua, have been sentenced to house arrest.

Get your Congress special issue of the Global Worker now!

16 December, 2016The latest issue of IndustriALL’s biannual magazine ‘Global Worker’ is available now in print and on our website.

Welcome to global worker

15 December, 20162016 is drawing to a close, and we can look back on a year filled with action. In my first months as General Secretary since Congress in October, IndustriALL has joined solidarity actions for Korea and the victims of the Mariana disaster in Brazil, as well as condemned deadly accidents in the world’s most dangerous industry, shipbreaking, in Pakistan.

Trade unions stand with Lula

15 December, 2016Some 300 trade unions at the IndustriALL Global Union 2nd Congress in Rio de Janeiro unanimously endorsed a resolution supporting former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio ‘Lula’ da Silva and condemning the attacks on the working class in Brazil. 

LafargeHolcim message heard “Workers’ rights are human rights”

15 December, 2016LafargeHolcim workers, shop stewards, works councils and trade unions across the globe held actions on the occasion of International Human Rights Day on 10 December demanding the cement giant LafargeHolcim to respect human rights.

DNO Yemen has property seized for failing to pay workers

15 December, 2016Following its illegal withdrawal from the country Norwegian oil company DNO has had its property and assets seized by Yemeni authorities. IndustriALL demands that the seized valuables be used to reimburse arrears in wages and benefits of DNO workers in Yemen, who have not been paid for their work for over a year since June 2015.

Justice for the Tipitapa 12

15 December, 2016Twelve workers face a possible jail sentence for taking part in protest action against the dismissal of their union reps in Nicaragua. IndustriALL Global Union has launched a campaign to defend them.

IndustriALL 2nd Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3-7 October 2016

15 December, 20161,500 delegates from all over the world gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Three exciting days of Congress - from the colourful opening with President Lula’s speech getting standing ovations to discussions, elections and solidarity resolutions.Each Congress session was themed after one of IndustriALL’s five strategic goals. Union representatives and one employer took to the stage to show delegates actions taken to build stronger unions, defend workers’ rights, confront global capital, promote a sustainable industrial policy and to fight precarious work.

Free and independent trade unions fight for workers’ rights in Iran

15 December, 2016In October, the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) became the first affiliate from Iran to join IndustriALL. The affiliation is a significant step in a country where unions are persecuted and trade unionists imprisoned. 

Transforming how we organize

15 December, 2016From its creation in 2012 IndustriALL Global Union has put special efforts into organizing. It is an indispensable part of all union programme, campaigns and activities.