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Showing 301-310 of 512 results

IndustriALL Global Union responds to the mining and metals crisis

13 August, 2015IndustriALL Global Union is shocked and alarmed at the massive jobs bloodbath unfolding in the mining and metals sector, ostensibly as a result of the plunge in commodity prices. The global scale of the massive lay-offs and job cuts is unprecedented.

IndustriALL trains women leaders in Myanmar

10 August, 201520 years after the Beijing Declaration on women’s economic rights and independence women still face economic inequality in many parts of the world. On 26 and 27 July 2015, IndustriALL Global Union organized leadership training for women together with the Central Confederation of Trade Unions in Myanmar (CTUM).

Support 1,140 Indian mineworkers organizing at bullying Thriveni

23 July, 2015You can lend your support to the 1,140 mineworkers at the Odisha Project of Thriveni Earthmovers who are facing harsh retaliation from their employer to their effort to organize a union. The backlash has included death threats. Click here to write to the Thriveni management and local government.

NUM fighting back on retrenchments at Kumba Iron Ore

23 July, 2015The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has succeeded in getting Kumba Iron Ore to retract offers made individually to workers.

A decisive week for Glencore workers in Peru

21 July, 2015Two unions affiliated to the FNTMMSRP (National Miners’ Federation of Peru), which is in turn affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, face a decisive week in Peru. SUTRACOMASA (Union of Antamina Workers) will begin talks with Antamina on 21 July and SITRAMINA will meet representatives of Antapaccay S.A on 24 July to discuss the company’s anti-trade union practices. Both companies are partly owned  by Glencore.

Myanmar mining unions set safety goal

15 July, 2015Mining unions in Myanmar have resolved to set up health and safety committees at every mining operation in the country, following a joint IndustriALL Global Union workshop on 10 to 12 July in the city of Monywa, Sagaing. 

Georgia's growing union movement

25 June, 2015Georgia’s vibrant labour movement has grown in strength since 2012, and the country is a priority for IndustriALL Global Union when it comes trade union organizing. 

Ukraine – international solidarity puts the break on interrogations

23 June, 2015Interrogations by Ukrainian security services of union leaders and activists have been stopped following international union pressure, said IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine (NPGU) today. 

Canada – USW successfully reduces layoffs at Rio Tinto

16 June, 2015Following a mass rally in May, trade union at Rio Tinto majority owned Iron Ore Company of Canada has managed to reduce the number of planned layoffs from 150 to 95 workers.

Red armbands for wage increases in Myanmar

1 June, 2015Using red armbands as a powerful symbol, workers in Myanmar have succeeded in achieving pay rises without stopping production.