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Showing 31-40 of 242 results

Indonesia passes emergency decree for Job Creation Law

12 April, 2023Unions in Indonesia publicly condemn the national parliament for passing the emergency decree for Job Creation, into law on 21 March 2023. Nation-wide protests are planned on May Day, over half million workers are expected to turn up.

Organizing along a changing minerals value chain

4 April, 2023The increased demand for critical metals and minerals needed for a clean energy transition to a low carbon future has motivated many multinational mining companies to diversify their operations, providing opportunities for unions to organize in the global value chains which now include converging industrial sectors in the automotive, energy, mining, and oil and gas.

Israel: union pressure prompts suspension of proposed legislation

31 March, 2023On 27 March, IndustriALL affiliate Histadrut, which is the largest trade union organization in the country, called for a general strike to stop new proposed legislation, which plans to overhaul the judiciary system. 

Attack on workers’ rights in India

30 March, 2023In a cabinet meeting on 17 March, the Maharashtra state government approved rules drafted under the anti-worker Industrial Relations Code passed by the Indian government in 2020.

Iraqi unions demand input on draft social security and retirement law

28 March, 2023The new draft bill on social security and retirement law allows for workers to receive social services after retirement, which is not in the current law. It permits workers be represented by two members on the executive board of the social security and retirement fund. In the current law workers are represented by one member. 

Chinese power company bashes Ghanaian union

28 March, 2023The Ghana Mine Workers' Union (GMWU) an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, is fighting against continuous workers’ rights violations at Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Limited which runs a natural gas-powered thermal power station. 

Unions intensify demands for release of Madagascar trade unionist

23 March, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and its affiliates in Madagascar are intensifying their campaign for release of unfairly jailed trade unionist, Sento Chang, and the for expunging his sentence. 

Union demands reinstatement of Nigerian shipyard workers

14 March, 2023On 23 February Nigerdock Nigeria Limited announced that it is dismissing 10 workers on redundancy grounds after serving a termination notice to 21 workers. Unions are opposing the redundancies which they describe as unfair labour practices, and want the workers reinstated.

Indian state enforces anti-worker law

7 March, 2023On 23 February, Karnataka state government passed anti-worker legislation extending the daily working hours from nine to twelve.

The right to strike protects workers

20 February, 2023The right to strike is an essential part of freedom of association. While it’s a last resort, without it, workers and unions lack the power to defend their positions against the economic and political power of employers. The right to strike is under attack in many countries and trade unions are fighting back.