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Showing 31-40 of 315 results

Organizing along a changing minerals value chain

4 April, 2023The increased demand for critical metals and minerals needed for a clean energy transition to a low carbon future has motivated many multinational mining companies to diversify their operations, providing opportunities for unions to organize in the global value chains which now include converging industrial sectors in the automotive, energy, mining, and oil and gas.

Unions negotiate a 28 per cent minimum wage increase

20 March, 2023Unions in Pakistan's Punjab province, including IndustriALL affiliates, have successfully negotiated a 28 per cent raise in the minimum wage for workers employed across 102 industries in the province.

Global Reporting Initiative draft sector standard for mining released for comment

16 February, 2023The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an independent non-profit international organization which helps businesses and other organizations take responsibility for their impacts. 

Union solidarity leads to significant pay rise

13 February, 2023Unions at Chinese-owned ZiJin Bor copper mine in Serbia has signed a collective agreement with a 15 per cent wage increase. The win was made possible through strong solidarity among all unions and workers in the company.

Changing the narrative on poverty in mineral rich African countries

9 February, 2023Artisanal small-scale miners in Sub Saharan Africa mine high value minerals including cobalt, gold and manganese. Yet their mining operations remain mainly informal and dangerous.

IndustriALL panel at mining indaba demands decent work during energy transition

9 February, 2023Will I have a job after the transition, what type of job, in which sector, and will I earn the same as I currently do? These questions, asked by workers in relation to energy transition, were the starting point for discussions at IndustriALL's panel at the African Mining Indaba in Cape Town on 8 February.

Unions needed to resolve challenges of climate change and decent work in mining

2 February, 2023IndustriALL is bringing a significant number of affiliated mining unions from Sub-Saharan Africa to the investing in Africa Mining Indaba and the Alternative Mining Indaba in Cape Town, South Africa, to discuss proposals for pathways to meet the challenges of climate change impacts in the mining world of work, as well as ESG impacts.

Battery manufacturing pact stimulant for decent jobs in Africa

26 January, 2023IndustriALL Global Union affiliated unions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Zambia welcome the memorandum of understanding between their governments and the United States of America (US) on the creation of an electric vehicle value chain in the two countries. 

Unions demand justice for 42 miners killed in Turkey

26 January, 2023The international union movement is calling for justice for the 42 miners who lost their lives in an explosion on 14 October, 2202, in Turkey’s Amasra district. Four mine workers are still in hospital in Istanbul , two of them in intensive care. 

Unions prepare for COP27

5 November, 2022This week IndustriALL held three webinars in preparation for COP27 in Egypt next week. The webinars focused on union action around Just Transition throughout supply chains and in the mobility sector.