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Showing 31-40 of 337 results

Presidential decree blocks Bekaert workers in Turkey from exercising their right to strike

20 December, 2022Fully within their legal rights, workers at the Bekaert factory in Izmit, represented by IndustriALL affiliate Birleşik Metal İş, called a strike on 13 December after negotiations on a collective bargaining agreement failed.

Union wins against ArcelorMittal's attempt to stifle right to strike

8 December, 2022As one of the ways to stop workers from going on strike, ArcelorMittal South Africa (AMSA) applied to the essential services committee (ESC) to declare the manufacturing, supply and distribution of steel as an essential service. But the committee ruled otherwise, and in favour of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA).

World union leaders discuss future of base metals industries

14 October, 2022On 11 and 12 October, IndustriALL’s Base metals steering committee met online to discuss the future of the steel and aluminum industries in the face of a global crisis.

OECD Steel Committee: workers demand a Just Transition!

22 September, 2022IndustriALL Global Union, industriAll Europe and TUAC call on OECD Steel Committee to take action now to ensure that no steelworker is left behind.

Unions at ArcelorMittal demand dialogue

13 September, 2022The ArcelorMittal global union network brought together over 70 trade unionists from 18 countries in a virtual meeting on 6-7 September to discuss social dialogue and health and safety.

Japanese metalworkers seek involvement in due diligence plans

24 June, 2022IndustriALL affiliate, the Japan Council of Metalworkers' Unions (JCM), submitted a request to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) on human rights due diligence.

Union win for Turkish workers

16 June, 2022Nearly five years after they were fired for joining a union, a Turkish court has ruled in favour of the 80 workers dismissed in 2017 and that that Birleşik Metal İş is the representative union in the workplace.

Union reaches wage agreement with ArcelorMittal South Africa

30 May, 2022After a two-week strike in which workers marched on the streets and engaged in negotiations simultaneously, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) signed an above inflation agreement of 6.5 per cent with ArcelorMittal South Africa.

Strike continues at ArcelorMittal South Africa after Labour Court ruling

25 May, 2022After the Labour Court dismissed the interdict to stop the strike at ArcelorMittal South Africa, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has resumed the strike for a seven per cent wage increase and for cash benefits.

Union busting at steel plant in India

20 May, 2022The Mumbai Labour Union (MLU) has been organizing workers at Viraj Steel for two years. The union has regularly raised issues related to workers’ rights, working conditions and wages. In response, management has tried to bust the union at every given opportunity since it was formed.