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Showing 31-40 of 40 results

Leather workers stage protests in Iraq

4 September, 2013In Iraq the State Company of the Leather Industries dismissed 200 workers. In opposition the Federation of Workers Councils & Unions of Iraq (FWCUI) organized a number of protests across the country.

Iraqi demonstrations against parliamentarians' benefits

4 September, 2013Trade unions and their members were at the forefront of this weekend’s protests to demand an end to over-generous pension benefits granted to members of parliament. Demonstrators also voiced long-standing grievances about the poor state of public services.

Iraqi unions join forces for trade union legislation

18 July, 2013Iraq still lacks legislation protecting workers' rights, guaranteeing freedom of association and governing industrial relations. In an effort to coordinate and consolidate forces, an IndustriALL Global Union National Council was established in Baghdad on July 10.

Union Victory! Basra Court finally drops charges against Hassan Juma’a

2 July, 2013Acquittal for the Iraqi oil workers’ leader Hassan Juma’a was finally achieved on 1 July. The sham judicial process persecuting Hassan for organizing workers was defeated after four months of trade union campaigning supported by international solidarity.

IndustriALL Executive Committee pays homage to Marcello Malentacchi

29 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee grieves for Marcello Malentacchi and the 1,127 Bangladeshi garment workers killed at Rana Plaza, while welcoming the binding Accord with the leading clothing brands on fire and building safety.

Condemn the ongoing harsh persecution of Hassan Juma’a

18 April, 2013Click here to send your message to the Iraqi government and denounce the vindictive criminal charges facing trade union leader Hassan Juma’a Awad.

Iraqi judiciary used to persecute trade union

21 March, 2013In a clear reprisal attack for trade union activism at the state-owned South Oil Company (SOC), Hassan Juma’a Awad the head of IndustriALL’s affiliate, the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU), now faces criminal charges launched by the authorities.

Oil workers demonstrate in Iraq

28 February, 2013Chanting “People’s oil is not for the people but for thieves” hundreds of workers protested against the South Oil Company in Iraq on 19 February 2013, and called for housing, permanent work and payment of delayed benefits.

Iraqi workers protest against the latest government interference

29 June, 2012IndustriALL affiliates in Iraq were at the forefront of a major demonstration and picket on the morning of 25 June 2012 in Basra. Fresh from her election as an Executive Committee member of the new IndustriALL Global Union, Hashmeya Muhsin al-Saadawi, leader of the Electricity Utility Workers’ Union, was one of the leaders of the protest which also included the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU), Federation of Workers Councils Unions of Iraq and other Basra based organizations. Protesters marched and chanted slogans denouncing the continued blatant government intervention into internal trade union affairs and the ban on trade union organization in the public sector.

Support Iraqi oil workers struggling for union rights - sign up to the LabourStart campaign

16 June, 2012IndustriALL Global Union members can show solidarity with oil workers in Iraq who continue to organise for their rights despite the continuing use against them of a vicious anti-trade union law, held over from the Saddam-era.