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Showing 31-40 of 140 results

Colombia: increasing violence against union leaders

13 June, 2019Colombian trade union leaders Igor Díaz and Dibeth Quintana have again received death threats. Since Iván Duque became president last year, violence against union and social leaders has been on the rise.

Drummond wages anti-union campaign in Colombia

20 May, 2019Drummond Ltd Colombia is waging an anti-union campaign against Asociación Sindical de Empleados de Drummond (ASED), a duly constituted trade union established in accordance with Colombia’s labour laws and regulations.

Colombian union leaders receive death threats

16 May, 2019Leaders of Colombian mining unions Sintracarbón, which is an affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union, and Sintramienergética received death threats after they met with Dutch members of parliament and representatives of Glencore, Cerrejon and Drummond.

Ecopetrol unfairly dismisses union leaders in Colombia

24 January, 2019Colombia's state-owned oil company, Ecopetrol, has unfairly dismissed Enrique Rodríguez, Joaquín Padilla and Wilmer Hernández, leaders of Colombian oil workers’ union, USO, which is affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union. 

Tenaris TuboCaribe workers protest against rights violations

25 October, 2018Workers at Tenaris TuboCaribe in Colombia are holding a series of peaceful demonstrations against the company’s violations of their fundamental rights, and its dismissal and sanctioning of union leaders.

Unions stand up to BHP at AGM

18 October, 2018IndustriALL Global Union and affiliates representing BHP workers in Australia, Brazil, Canada and Colombia challenged the mining giant’s unsustainable and dangerous business model, at its annual general meeting in London on 17 October. 

Smurfit Kappa workers protest against union-bashing in Colombia

18 October, 2018On 8 October, IndustriALL affiliate Sintracarcol began a week of protests against Cartón de Colombia S.A., owned by multinational Smurfit Kappa, in a response to the firing of a number of workers, as well as other anti-union actions.

Global unions condemn anti-union violence in Colombia

5 October, 2018Violence against union leaders has reached dizzying levels in Colombia. The Ombudsman's Office of Colombia recently reported that 343 social leaders and human rights activists have been murdered across the country since the peace agreement was signed in 2016.

Building union power through an energy, mining and base metals ‘macro sector’ in Latin America

25 September, 2018IndustriALL affiliates from the energy, mining and base metals sectors came together as a macro sector to discuss strategies for increasing their union power and building stronger union structures in a globalized world in constant flux.

Union leaders in Colombia face threats and violence

29 August, 2018Colombia is one of the ten most dangerous countries in the world for workers and trade union leaders, where 19 trade union members have been murdered so far this year. IndustriALL Global Union and other federations have expressed their concerns to Colombia's president, Iván Duque.