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Showing 2931-2940 of 5753 results

Labour market: gender gap still widespread

18 July, 2017 In a recent ILO report, World Employment Social Outlook: Trends for women 2017, 70 per cent of the women would like to perform a paid job while more than 50 per cent of them remain out of the labour market.

Ukraine - miners remain underground demanding to be paid

18 July, 2017Miners from two mines owned by the state enterprise Lysychanskvugillya in the Lugansk region of Ukraine are staying underground, demanding that salaries owed are paid.

TOTAL FAIR Committee meets during the second year of GFA’s implementation

14 July, 2017Members of FAIR Committee (Facilitate the Application, Involvement of all and regular measurement of the Results of the agreement) of TOTAL global framework agreement (GFA) met in Casablanca, Morocco, on 11 July to follow up the GFA signed between IndustriALL and TOTAL in January 2016.

LafargeHolcim: Final step taken towards Global Framework Agreement

13 July, 2017On 12 July 2017, LafargeHolcim and global unions, IndustriALL and BWI, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Zurich, as final step towards a Global Framework Agreement (GFA). The MoU is a prelude to the GFA, reaffirming the commitment to a comprehensive agreement, to be signed later this year.

CFMEU fights back against mining giant

13 July, 2017Through widespread industrial action, Australian union CFMEU is pushing back against mining giant Glencore’s increasing use of contract labour and refusal to negotiate fair enterprise agreements at multiple sites across Australia. At rallies around the country earlier this week, union members showed their resolve to fight against Glencore’s attack on working conditions, job security and local communities.

Employer refuses to pay compensation despite legal ruling

13 July, 2017Despite the union winning a lawsuit against Russia’s largest car manufacturer AvtoVAZ, 1,100 workers have yet to receive their compensation for three years’ work in harmful conditions. 

Turkey: Conflict resolved at sock and underwear factory

13 July, 2017IndustriALL Global Union intervening with well-known brands have successfully ended the conflict at Beks Sock and Underwear Factory, with the employer recognizing the union.

No more dirty diamonds

12 July, 2017IndustriALL affiliates from Europe, Sub Saharan Africa and India have launched a Global Diamond Network to fight exploitation and improve working conditions across the global value chain.

Time for a union at Nissan US plant

12 July, 2017In the face of anti-union management, workers at Nissan’s plant in Canton, Mississippi, have fought for more than ten years for the right to organize. This week, workers filed for a union election, with the assistance from United Autoworkers. 

Argentine unions protest at Atucha dismissals

12 July, 2017IndustriALL Argentinian affiliates SMATA and UOM, joined a solidarity protest for 1,000 dismissed workers at the Atucha nuclear plant.