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Showing 291-300 of 512 results

Brazil – mining flood destroys everything in its way

24 November, 2015IndustriALL offers its solidarity to the residents and workers of Mariana, Brazil, victims of the environmental disaster caused by the collapse of a dam at a mine owned by Samarco Mineração S.A. The tide of toxic sludge has killed nine people, flora and fauna, and 19 people are still missing. 

Coalminers demand stronger attention to their future

20 November, 201540 delegates from Australia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey, Pakistan and South Africa gathered at the headquarters of the IndustriALL German affiliate IG BCE in Hannover, Germany at the Global coal mining conference to discuss union responses to the challenges faced by workers and their unions in coal mining industry.

Strike win just first step for Rio Tinto contract workers

17 November, 2015Over 100 security guards for Rio Tinto in Madagascar have won a three week strike, a first step toward addressing poor working conditions for contactors at the mine.

Grupo Mexico to pay 318 million pesos to los Mineros

4 November, 2015After eight years of campaigning, Mexican union los Mineros has won a major victory in court over Grupo Mexico. In an important outcome for workers in Cananea, Sonora and their families, the Federal Board of Conciliation and Arbitration has ordered the mining corporation to pay the workers’ their share of the profits for 2007.

Colombia: trade union activist Francisco Ramirez Cuellar must be kept safe!

27 October, 2015Francisco Ramirez Cuellar is a Colombian trade union leader under serious threat from paramilitary groups in the country because of his trade union activism. IndustriALL is taking action and demanding that his life be protected.

Guard strike points to global problem at Rio Tinto

21 October, 2015A security guard strike at Rio Tinto’s mine in Madagascar points to a global problem: the company’s overreliance on and failure to take responsibility for precarious workers.

Wage deal reached in South African coal sector

16 October, 2015A ten day strike in the South African coal sector has ended after employers and the National Union of Mineworkers reached an agreement on a two year wage deal.

On 7 October Rio Tinto workers everywhere are demanding decent work

7 October, 2015Marking World Day for Decent Work, 7 October, employees of the mining and metals giant Rio Tinto are taking concerted action to call on their employer to Stop Precarious Work.

Sherritt – show us the evidence for lay-offs

27 August, 2015Two months after 900 mine workers at Sherritt’s multibillion-dollar nickel operation in Madagascar were laid off, the company has refused to provide evidence that the retrenchments were financially necessary.

Workers protest against ‘return to apartheid’ at Rio Tinto in Namibia

17 August, 2015Workers at Rio Tinto’s Rössing uranium mine in Namibia organized a demonstration and delivered a petition to management stating that Rössing managers “want to make us to revert back to the apartheid system.”