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Showing 291-300 of 471 results

Australian unions protest denial of visas to dismissed Ansell workers

26 August, 2014Unions held a rally outside of Ansell’s Australian headquarters following the denial of entry visas to a delegation of Sri Lankan union members. The Australian government denied the visas in an apparent attempt to shield glove and condom maker Ansell from public exposure of its harsh and unjust treatment of its workers in Sri Lanka.

Customers, students, NGOs and unions all demand that NXP “Bring Back the 24!”

14 August, 2014Electronics multinational NXP is coming under increasing pressure to reinstate the 24 union members it sacked three months ago in Cabuyao, Philippines. NXP’s corporate strategy in response to the pressure has been to repeatedly delay any intervention to wear down the MWAP union.

Hankook continues to violate union rights in Hungary

5 August, 2014Since the start of its Hungarian operations, leading Korean tire maker Hankook has been relentless in its union busting.

Chirico ends hunger strike but the fight goes on

4 August, 2014On Sunday, 3 August, Hugo González Chirico announced the end of his hunger strike but said he will fight on, with the support of workers at the local and international levels.

Update: Shahabi released to civilian hospital

31 July, 2014It has been confirmed that Reza Shahabi, the imprisoned Iranian trade unionist and prisoner of conscience, has called off his hunger strike following his release on medical grounds to a civilian hospital on 11 July.

Violence, Blood and Tears Must Stop in Gaza, says IndustriALL Global Union

17 July, 2014IndustriALL Global Union joins the global union movement and international community in calls for an immediate ceasefire as the violence in Gaza continues and the death toll escalates.

UK glass workers’ strike wins pay deal

16 July, 2014Unite the Union members at Tyneside Safety Glass in Gateshead, England, went on strike for three weeks in response to management’s miserly wage offer in June and July. The workers’ action won a good new contract and members returned to work on 14 July.

Support for UNITE glass workers on strike in North East England

10 July, 2014Around 100 members of IndustriALL’s largest UK affiliate, Unite the Union, are on a two-week strike at Tyneside Safety Glass after rejecting a tiny pay increase. The company director just awarded himself a 14 per cent pay rise and transferred £750,000 company money into a trust fund in his name.

IndustriALL flags labour violation in iPhone 6 production

9 July, 2014Electronics multinational NXP will reportedly supply the microchip technology in the new iPhone 6. IndustriALL Global Union has called on Apple to intervene and ensure a fair settlement in NXP’s Philippine operations, including a return to work for 24 sacked trade unionists.

IndustriALL affiliates show solidarity for Samsung workers

26 June, 2014Participants at IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee in Geneva today (26 June) made a stand against Samsung in support of Korean workers who are fighting for the right to join a union and earn a living wage.