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Showing 2821-2830 of 5753 results

IndustriALL issues investor briefing on Freeport

11 October, 2017IndustriALL Global Union has issued a briefing to investors, warning them of the potential financial implications of human rights violations at the Grasberg mine.

Ukraine: new wave of protests against unpaid wages

10 October, 2017Mine workers at two state enterprises in the Ukraine, Volynvuhillia in the Volyn region and Myrnohradvuhillya in the Donetsk region, have started protests, demanding the payment of salaries overdue for several months. The miners are supported by IndustriALL affiliates the Coal Mining Workers’ Union of Ukraine and the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine (NPGU).

Ternium CEO not yet fit for Steelie award

10 October, 2017IndustriALL Global Union is questioning the nomination of the CEO of Ternium, one of Latin America’s largest steel producers, for a prestigious award by the World Steel Association (worldsteel).  

Thailand: auto parts maker Y-Tec fires workers for unionizing

10 October, 2017Japanese-owned auto parts manufacturer engages in brutal crackdown after workers form union.

Global unions urge more brands to sign new Bangladesh Accord

9 October, 2017Global unions, IndustriALL and UNI, are demanding fashion brands sign up to the second Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety. The extension of the Bangladesh Accord is currently the only credible way to ensure that life-threatening hazards are identified and remediated in garment factories.

Stop precarious work!

6 October, 2017IndustriALL has a long-running campaign to STOP Precarious Work. For 2017, these two films were developed in Spanish and Portuguese.

Kazakh court rejects union leader’s appeal for justice

6 October, 2017The Shymkent city court refused to satisfy the appeal of the trade union leader Larisa Kharkova sentenced to a four-year restriction of her freedom based on “power abuse” accusations as chair of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Kazakhstan.

10 ways to fight precarious work

6 October, 2017We can win the fight against precarious work. Here’s how:

Minimum wage in Cambodia increased to US$170

6 October, 2017Following an annual tripartite consultation process, the minimum wage for the Cambodian garment sector has been increased to US$170 for 2018. The new minimum wage will benefit the more than 600,000 garment workers in the industry.

South Africa: NUMSA condemns police violence against striking South 32 workers

6 October, 2017Three workers were injured and taken to hospital when police fired rubber bullets at picketing workers at South 32’s aluminium smelter in Richards Bay in the KwaZulu-Natal province on 2 October.