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Showing 281-290 of 432 results

INTERVIEW: Hashmeya Alsaadawe

14 January, 2016Hashmeya Alsaadawe is president of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the General Union of Electricity Workers and Technicians in Basra (GUEWT), and a member of IndustriALL’s Executive Committee representing workers in the Middle East and North Africa. In 2003, she became the first woman in Iraq to be voted leader of a national union, and is believed to be the first woman to lead a union anywhere in the Arabic-speaking world.

IndustriALL welcomes new Somali oil union

17 December, 2015Cooperation and efforts of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), IndustriALL Global Union and its Norwegian affiliate Industri Energi brought a fantastic result in Somalia. The first union uniting petroleum and gas workers saw the light during the founding national congress on 13-14 December 2015.

Many missing after oilrig fire in Azerbaijan

8 December, 2015Numbers vary, but up 30 workers are still not accounted for after a fire broke out on an oilrig offshore Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea on 4 December. Strong winds and waves up to ten meters are believed to be behind a pipeline rupturing and starting the fire.

Shame on Shell! Pakistani workers organize, management deploys troops

24 November, 2015When the labour authorities supported Shell Pakistan’s workers in their claim for a vote on whether they want a union, local management responded with heavy-handed security forces, outsourcing and punitive shift changes.

FUP calls historic national strike in defence of Petrobras

13 November, 2015Oil workers in Brazil are on the thirteenth day of the biggest strike at Petrobras in decades. They want to prevent privatisation, stop the company’s divestment plan, fight for national sovereignty and put pressure on the company to recognise workers’ demands.

Repsol network meets in Peru

22 October, 2015The Repsol trade union network met in Lima, Pefu from 19 to 21 October 2015 against the backdrop of news that the Spanish oil company is to cut 1,500 jobs worldwide. 

Chevron sacks union organizers in Bangladesh

24 September, 2015IndustriALL Global Union is condemning Chevron’s illegal union busting in Bangladesh, and calls for corrective action by the multinational energy company.

Chinese oil company attacks workers in Kyrgyzstan

9 September, 2015In an unprecedented union busting attack Chinese-owned oil company Zhongda, operating in Kyrgyzstan, has fired an elected trade union leader and blocked his access to the company in violation of the national legislation. Together with LabourStart IndustriALL is launching a campaign to reinstate the union leader and stop union busting.

Pakistani PCEM victory against precarious work at Shell

12 August, 2015A two-year struggle at the oil and gas multinational Shell in Pakistan has ended in 300 permanent contracts for IndustriALL members.

FUP prepares September strike in defence of Petrobras

29 July, 2015After the 24-hour strike on 24 July, members of the main oil industry union in Brazil, FUP/CUT, are preparing another strike in September in defence of Petrobras.