UK: solidarity with Unite opposition to hostile takeover bid of GKN6 February, 2018IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe have expressed their solidarity with their British affiliate Unite the union to express their strong collective opposition to the intended hostile takeover of GKN by Melrose.
IndustriALL and global unions protest against trials of Algerian trade union leaders5 February, 2018Global unions IndustriALL, ITUC, PSI and IUF, representing some 200 million workers, delivered a letter to the permanent mission of Algeria in Geneva, Switzerland, today (5 February), to protest against the repression of independent trade union leaders in Algeria.
Belarus: unemployed will pay more for public services5 February, 2018A new presidential decree in Belarus has ruled that unemployed workers will be subject to additional charges for public services subsidized by the state.
Win for Bajaj Auto workers in India 5 February, 2018On 2 February, the Bajaj Auto Workers union reached a breakthrough in negotiations with management and ended the indefinite hunger strike launched four days earlier.
South Africa: Demand for better safety after nearly 1,000 miners trapped 2 February, 2018Trade unions in South Africa are calling for an urgent review of safety after almost 1,000 miners were trapped underground for more than 24-hours at the Sibanye-Stillwater Beatrix gold mine in Free State.
Finland: 10,000 people protest against government slashing unemployment security2 February, 2018Trade unions in Finland took to the capital Helsinki’s Senate Square today, to oppose the Government’s new legislation aimed at cutting unemployment benefits.
Shell contract workers to lose out in profits bonanza1 February, 2018As Royal Dutch Shell Plc announces its biggest profits since the oil market collapse, IndustriALL Global Union is calling on the company to create permanent jobs for its workforce, the majority of which are contract workers.
Unions worldwide demand LafargeHolcim honours its commitment for a global agreement1 February, 201873 union leaders from 39 countries addressed a joint letter to CEO, Jan Jenisch, demanding the company honour its commitment and sign a global framework agreement.
ILO to adopt improved code of practice for shipbuilding and ship repair 1 February, 2018Expert representatives of governments, employers and workers from around the world gathered at the ILO in Geneva, Switzerland, from 22 to 26 January, to improve and adopt a revised code of practice on safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair.
India: Bajaj Auto workers take action against management delaying tactics31 January, 2018Protesting against unfair terminations and the intransigence of the Bajaj Auto management in collective bargaining negotiations, the union launched an indefinite hunger strike on 29 January in Pune.