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Showing 271-280 of 5680 results

We need mandatory human rights due diligence laws now

19 September, 2023Presenters at the Mary Robinson Speaker Series on business and human rights concur that debates are shifting from voluntary measures of due diligence to a mandatory due diligence that includes international human rights and labour standards. The webinar held on 14 September took place under the theme: Raising the bar: regulating cororate abuse. 

Building organizing power in South East Asia

19 September, 202320 organizers met in Bangkok, Thailand to complete their three-year Organizers’ Development Programme (ODP), a joint training developed by IndustriALL and IG Metall focusing on strategic organizing, methods and campaigns. The aim is to provide organizers with skills and knowledge to develop organizing strategies, strategic planning and campaigning.

5 steps for trade unions to close the gender pay gap

17 September, 2023IndustriALL Global Union has launched its Pay Equity Toolkit, developed to support trade unions in bargaining for pay equity.

United Auto Workers on strike for share of profits

15 September, 2023Today members of IndustriALL affiliate United Auto Workers (UAW) walked out at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis (the Big Three) marking the beginning of their Stand Up Strike.  UAW contracts with the Big Three expired on 14 September and practice pickets and worker preparations, across America began. Workers are saying record profits should equal record contracts.

G20 falls far from workers’ demands

14 September, 2023The recently concluded G20 summit in New Delhi under the Indian presidency failed to address the enormous challenges of rising inflation, stagnating wages and the transitioning world of work faced by working people in the 20 big economies.

How will due diligence legislation impact trade union rights?

13 September, 2023IndustriALL Global and IndustriAll Europe in collaboration with, IG Metall, and the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, hosted a two-day conference in Istanbul, Turkey. The event, served as a platform for experts, union leaders, and stakeholders to examine the implications of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and its significance for Turkish workers, specifically within the automotive sector supply chain.

Unions demand African Union include labour provisions in business and human rights policy

13 September, 2023Inclusion of ILO fundamental rights, decent work, Convention 190, informal economy workers, corruption and the creation of social dialogue spaces are some of the provisions which trade unions want included in the policy. 

Hialpesa workers celebrate reinstatement of union leaders

13 September, 2023Workers at the Hialpesa textile factory in Peru are celebrating the reinstatement of a number of dismissed union leaders – a major victory for the union after four years of struggle.

Ali Enterprises anniversary underlines dire need for safe workplaces

11 September, 2023Today’s 11th anniversary of the fire at Ali Enterprises, a readymade garment factory in Pakistan, that killed more than 250 workers, is a stark reminder that safe factories still need to be fought for. The extension of the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry to Pakistan at the end of 2022 is the starting point for countering the tragic legacy.

Job losses wreck livelihoods in Ethiopia’s garment industry

6 September, 2023The Industrial Federation of Textile Leather and Garment Workers Union (IFTLGWU), which lost over 20,000 members due to massive job losses, says the retrenchments are causing untold suffering and increasing poverty amongst the garment workers.