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Showing 271-280 of 632 results

Union takes Mauritian employer to court after migrant worker dies

8 September, 2020IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Confederation des Travailleurs Secteurs et Prive (CTSP), is taking Fairy Textile to the industrial court for violating workers’ rights to health and safety and “gross negligence” after the death of a migrant worker who was denied sick leave.

Toyo Tyres urged to recognize Malaysian rubber union

4 September, 2020Malaysia’s National Union of Employees in Companies Manufacturing Rubber Products (NUECMRP) is calling on Toyo Tyre Malaysia to respect the first secret ballot result and recognize them as a negotiating partner.

Union activist detained in Belarus over protest action

3 September, 2020Lizaveta Merliak, international secretary of Belarusian Independent Trade Union (BITU), an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, was arrested in front of her house in Grodno on 30 August. Thanks to pressure from activists both inside and outside Belarus, she was released from custody but will face trial later.

Unions in South Africa slam PPE procurement corruption

2 September, 2020IndustriALL Global union affiliates in South Africa are supporting the current probe by the country’s Special Investigating Unit into fraudulent activities in the awarding of tenders to supply the government with personal protective equipment (PPE) needed for the Covid-19 pandemic.

Global day of action on 4 September to end union busting in the textile industry

31 August, 2020As part of IndustriALL's global campaign to protect the rights of workers in the textile and garment sector, join our global day of action to support the many workers across the sector who are standing up for their rights to form a union.

Garment manufacturer in Myanmar uses Covid-19 to bust union

14 July, 2020Kamcaine Manufacturing in Myanmar is using the ongoing pandemic as an excuse for union busting in its factory in Yangon, dismissing 57 workers, all members of IndustriALL affiliate IWFM.

Gokaldas Exports continues union busting in India

10 July, 2020Women workers who earn less than US$ 4.5 a day producing clothes for H&M, Gap and Adidas, have been fighting for their livelihoods for more than a month, as garment factory owner Gokaldas Exports have illegally laid off 1,200 workers at its only unionized factory.

Avera garment workers strike for suspended colleague

10 July, 2020The union at Avera garment company in Tunisia successfully went on strike on 10 July to protest the suspension of the local union leader.

Joint statement of IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union on Israel’s annexation of Palestinian lands

8 July, 2020IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union jointly express their opposition and protest against Israel’s annexation of Palestinian lands in contradiction of the spirit and provisions of international law.

Mine collapse kills more than 160 workers in Myanmar

3 July, 2020An accident in Hpakant, in Myanmar’s Kachin state, has claimed the lives of at least 162 mine workers, with dozens more feared dead, and injured 54.