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Showing 2631-2640 of 5753 results

Georgian trade unions criticize new labour safety law

21 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Georgia are concerned about the effectiveness of a new law on labour safety, which was recently adopted by the parliament without taking into consideration recommendations from trade unions.

Workers strike at South African solar plant

15 March, 2018Ninety members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) from Abengoa Solar’s power plant in the Northern Cape are on strike to demand higher wages and benefits.

IndustriALL affiliates take part in the World Social Forum

15 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union affiliates have been participating in the massive World Social Forum currently bringing together 20,000 activists from 120 countries, in Salvador, Brazil from 13 to 17 March.

Zambia: Building strong unions to confront hostile employers

15 March, 2018IndustriALL affiliates in Zambia, representing 57,000 workers in the chemical, cement, ceramics, textiles, mining, engineering and other sectors, met on 13 – 14 March to discuss how unions can build power and retain their legacy as key social actors in the country.

IndustriALL launches campaign for health and safety in Pakistan mines

15 March, 2018Ten IndustriALL Global Union affiliates are urging the government of Pakistan to ratify ILO Convention 176 (C176) on Safety and Health in Mines. This follows a decision by IndustriALL’s Executive Committee in November 2017, for a global campaign to end fatalities in Pakistani mines.

Victory as strike ends at Rio Tinto QMM in Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar

14 March, 2018Workers at Rio Tinto’s QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) operations downed tools twice in five days over management’s violation of their collective bargaining agreement relative to salary increases.  About 320 permanent workers out of 480 went out strike on 8 March.

Sae a Tecnotex Nicaragua illegally dismisses health and safety reps

14 March, 2018Eight workers at the Sae A Tecnotex textile factory in Nicaragua have been fired illegally, and the union FESITEX is claiming a serious breach of freedom of association.  

Taking action on 8 March!

13 March, 2018IndustriALL’s affiliated unions around the world took strong and colourful action to mark International Women’s Day 2018, with some unions adopting IndustriALL’s pledge to combat violence against women in the workplace.

Pakistan: Sacked GSK workers fight for justice

12 March, 2018Pakistani management of the British pharmaceutical multinational GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has illegally dismissed over 150 workers after years of union busting and manipulation of contracts.

International women's day - unions must act to end violence against women at work

8 March, 2018As women, men and unions take action around the world to highlight International Women’s Day, IndustriALL is calling for support for its campaign to end violence in the workplace.