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Showing 261-270 of 667 results

Organizing the diamond mining industry in Lesotho

24 May, 2018Deep inside the mountain kingdom of Lesotho lies untapped treasure that is attracting global diamond mining capital.

Latin America and the Caribbean activates its strategic plan for the region

24 May, 201890 trade union representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean participated in the Second Regional Conference of IndustriALL in Panama, to redefine its strategic plan and promote the participation of the affiliates in its implementation.

MENA: Textile unions continue to progress in organizing and bargaining

18 May, 2018IndustrtiALL Global Union‘s textile and garment affiliates from MENA region’s main producer countries Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco reported tangible progress in organizing and collective bargaining at a meeting at Tunisian capital, Tunis, on 3-4 May 2018. With renewed determination, affiliates developed further plans for important actions in the textile and garment supply chain. 

Unions to take joint action against General Electric

15 May, 2018Trade unions representing workers at General Electric from across North America, Europe and Asia have pledged to make workers’ voices heard at the company, at a meeting of IndustriALL's General Electric Trade Union Network in Toronto, Canada, from 7-8 May 2018.

A tale of two factories: union representation in Mexico’s tyre industry

14 May, 2018Two factories in San Luis de Potosi, one of Mexico’s main industrial centres, produce tyres for major multinational companies, Continental Tire and Goodyear. Only a few kilometres separate the two plants, but the way they operate couldn’t be further apart. Much of that comes down to a question of union representation. 

Indian auto unions resolve to fight precarious work

9 May, 2018Precarious work is deeply rooted in India’s automotive industry. Almost every major auto company in the country employs large numbers of precarious workers with low wages, poor working conditions and workers lack job security.

Foundation laid for WestRock world trade union alliance

2 May, 2018WestRock trade union colleagues from US, Asia, Europe, Australia and Latin America, met on 20 April in London, UK. The meeting adopted a plan to establish a global alliance of all unions representing WestRock employees around the world.

Democratic unions in Mexico declare new alliance

26 April, 2018Six independent trade unions representing workers in automotive, auto parts, logistics, rubber and aerospace in Mexico will form an alliance to build democratic unions in the country and ensure workers have the right to join genuine unions of their choice.

Base metals unions in CIS countries confront challenges

20 April, 2018IndustriALL affiliates from CIS countries met on 17-18 April in Tbilisi, Georgia, to discuss union responses to trends and challenges in the base metals sector.

IndustriALL mobilizes against grotesque labour law reform in Mexico

18 April, 2018With a vote looming in the Mexican Senate on labour reform proposals, the next two weeks will be crucial in the decades-long struggle to secure labour justice for Mexican workers. Affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean have been called upon to urge the Senate to reject the controversial proposals.