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Showing 2591-2600 of 5749 results

IndustriALL mobilizes against grotesque labour law reform in Mexico

18 April, 2018With a vote looming in the Mexican Senate on labour reform proposals, the next two weeks will be crucial in the decades-long struggle to secure labour justice for Mexican workers. Affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean have been called upon to urge the Senate to reject the controversial proposals.

IndustriALL demands respect for workers’ rights and permanent jobs in the Ivory Coast

17 April, 2018Oil companies in the Ivory Coast should be committed to social dialogue, the rule of law, protection of workers’ rights and freedom of association, and the government should ensure that this happens, said IndustriALL Global Union general secretary Valter Sanches, when meeting with the country's minister of energy, oil and mines, and minister of employment and social protection to demand better treatment of workers in the oil and gas sector.

IndustriALL's Global Framework Agreements

17 April, 2018Global Framework Agreements are negotiated on a global level between trade unions and a multinational company. To date, IndustriALL has signed 44 GFAs with multinational companies.

Changing behaviours - organizing in Myanmar

16 April, 2018Yes, a Korean-owned garment factory in Yangon, Myanmar, is in some ways a rarity among the many other factories found in the township Hlaing Thar Yar. Workers here have formed a trade union and have negotiated a collective agreement with management.

Sanches urges rethink on African development strategies

16 April, 2018IndustriALL Global Union general secretary Valter Sanches has urged affiliates in Sub Saharan Africa to rethink development strategies for the continent, and to engage their governments on sustainable industrialization.

Meeting recommends policies to end women workers’ rights violations in Sub Saharan Africa

13 April, 2018During a campaign for maternity protection in Nigeria, Oluchi Okorie, from IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Nigerian Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas workers union, was asked by employers: “What is your problem? Are you pregnant?” Similar questions, that made fun of organizers, were common to those championing women workers’ rights at the workplace. They were also even ignored when they tried to speak in meetings at work.

100 jobs lost as Nigeria’s textile sector continues to decline

13 April, 2018Chellco Industry Limited in Kaduna, Nigeria, plans to retrench 100 workers as textile factories struggle to cope with increased costs including recent tariff increases of 5 to 20 per cent. Further, the increased cost of electricity, which makes up to 50 per cent of operating costs, make the factories blankets, shawls and bed covers more expensive than those imported from China. 

Yemen: DNO fails to respect Supreme Court ruling

12 April, 2018DNO, the Norwegian oil company that abandoned its Yemeni workforce without pay when war broke out, has failed to respect a Yemeni Supreme Court judgement against it.

Workers come out worst in Responsible Mining Index

12 April, 2018A comprehensive new index, ranking large-scale mining companies in six different performance areas, has found that companies are scoring lowest on working conditions.

Bulgaria: GFAs in garment sector promoting rights

11 April, 2018Global framework agreements (GFAs) were at the focus of a meeting led by the ILO in Sofia, Bulgaria, on industrial relations in the global supply chains entitled “Key Features of Social Dialogue and Cooperation at the Workplace: Rights and Responsibilities, Good Practices, and Benefits”.