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Showing 2581-2590 of 5749 results

FEATURE: Union busting, IndustriALL affiliates under attack

24 April, 2018Union busting is arguably the biggest threat to trade unions the world over. As unions come under attack from companies, governments and corrupt judiciaries, union-busting tactics are becoming increasingly sophisticated and no less severe

PROFILE: Organizing is a well-defined priority in Kyrgyzstan

24 April, 2018Over last five years IndustriALL Global Union affiliate Mining and Metallurgy Trade Union of Kyrgyzstan (MMTUK) has grown from 15,000 to 27,250members. The union leadership explains the outstanding results by strong union policies aimed at becoming more attractive to workers.

IndustriALL files complaint against Roy Robson as union busting continues

24 April, 2018Despite a global campaign against union busting, German fashion brand Roy Robson has escalated its attacks on IndustriALL Global Union affiliate Teksif at its factory in Izmir, Turkey. IndustriALL has filed a complaint against the company to the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles for violation of ILO Conventions 87 and 98.

Pakistan has failed to learn lessons of Gadani tradegy, say unions

24 April, 2018On 1 November, 2016, 29 workers were killed and several more injured while dismantling an oil tanker at Pakistan’s Gadani shipbreaking yard. Speakers at a seminar on the industry, organized by IndustriALL affiliate the National Trade Union Federation in Karachi on 21 April, said that the government does not appear to have learnt any lessons from the tragedy.

Five years after Rana Plaza, the need for the Bangladesh Accord persists

23 April, 2018A few days before the fifth anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster that killed 1,134 workers, global trade unions and labour rights organizations are calling on all brands sourcing from Bangladesh to take responsibility for workers making their products by signing the renewed Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety.

Base metals unions in CIS countries confront challenges

20 April, 2018IndustriALL affiliates from CIS countries met on 17-18 April in Tbilisi, Georgia, to discuss union responses to trends and challenges in the base metals sector.

Global unions demand an end to workers’ rights violations in Belarus

19 April, 2018Fourteen years after the adoption of the recommendations of the ILO Commission of Inquiry in Belarus, trade unions still suffer interference in their internal affairs.

Global unions target Algerian government as ILO mission is cancelled

19 April, 2018Global unions have launched an online campaign against the Algerian government after an International Labour Organization (ILO) mission to the country was cancelled.

IndustriALL condemns Ghana Gold Fields retrenchments

19 April, 2018During a recent mission to Ghana, IndustriALL Global Union called for dialogue with Ghana Gold Fields to reverse the decision to retrench 2,150 workers at Tarkwa mine and give notice to a further 340 workers at Damang Mine. 

Nuclear workers protest in Ukraine

19 April, 201812,000 members of IndustriALL affiliate Nuclear Power and Industry Workers Union of Ukraine (Atomprofspilka) protested in eight different cities on 12 April to protest a state policy of low energy tariffs, which result in low pay for workers.