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Showing 251-260 of 279 results

Turkish glass workers win large increase after unprecedented action

12 June, 2017Glass workers at Şişecam factories in Turkey have signed a collective agreement that includes a good wage increase after staging work-ins at nine factories.

Workers in Australia celebrate victory at Fletcher Insulation

1 June, 2017Workers at Fletcher Insulation have won better terms on redundancies, use of casual labour and working hours, after a 96-day strike.

Jailed Korean trade unionist Han Sang Gyun receives FNV award

11 May, 2017Han Sang Gyun, president of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), was awarded the Febe Velasquez trade union rights award at the Congress of the Dutch trade union confederation the FNV.

Union action prevents potential repetition of Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh

18 April, 2017On the eve of the fourth anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, which killed more than a 1,000 garment workers, swift action by an IndustriALL trade union affiliate in the country has prevented a potential tragedy from taking place. 

FSP2KI struggle wins gains for Indonesian contract workers

5 April, 2017IndustriALL Global Union's affiliate in Indonesia, FSP2KI, has continued its strong record of organizing contract paper workers with a successful struggle in South Sumatra.

Australia: CFMEU wins Just Transition for Hazelwood power station workers

15 March, 2017The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) has won a Just Transition deal for workers at the Hazelwood power station in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria.

Korea: victory for unions as President Park is ousted

10 March, 2017IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in South Korea today welcomed a decision by the Constitutional Court to oust President Park Geun-hye over her role in a corruption scandal. 

Lockout at LafargeHolcim Texada in Canada ends with agreement

9 March, 2017Members of IndustriALL affiliate United Steelworkers(USW) Local 816, locked out by LafargeHolcim in Canada at the Texada Island limestone mine since 17 October 2016, have reached an agreement.

Solidarity works - the 35 unionists and garment workers jailed in Bangladesh are released

2 March, 2017Congratulations to our affiliates in Bangladesh and thanks to all unions and activists around the world for helping with this campaign.Want to know more about what we did? Read our blog post Bangladesh: elements of a successful campaign

Bangladesh: elements of a successful campaign

2 March, 2017A behind the scenes look at a successful campaign. Bringing about social change is difficult, and clicktivism - signing an online petition - is not enough. So how do you campaign and win?