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Showing 251-260 of 703 results

Unpaid garment workers in Indonesia target South Korea

21 March, 2019More than 200 workers from a garment factory producing for global brands such as K-Mart, Target and Disney, demonstrated in front of the Indonesia Ministry of Manpower Office and the Embassy of South Korea in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 14 March, demanding six-months unpaid wages and benefits.

Ukrainian unions demand strong industry development strategy

21 March, 2019Twelve IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Ukraine agreed on a Joint Declaration to develop an industrial policy and act in solidarity to defend and advance human and trade union rights.

Shell worker abuses in Nigeria taken to UN Human Rights Council

15 March, 2019Royal Dutch Shell violations against contract workers in Nigeria came under scrutiny today at the 40th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

Bodies of Pasta de Conchos victims may be recovered

26 February, 2019Thirteen years on and the bodies of those killed in the Pasta de Conchos mine disaster may finally be recovered.

Trade unions in Brazil campaign against pension reforms

19 February, 2019On 20 February, trade unions in Brazil will hold a national day to support universal, public social security and condemn plans to destroy the country's pension system.

Brazilian metalworkers announce global action against General Motors’ threats

8 February, 2019Brazilian metalworkers came up with a plan of action at their meeting in São Paulo on 1 February. They agreed to take global action against the threats made by General Motors and to participate in campaigns in support of retirement and the victims of the Brumadinho dam disaster.

Belarusian trade union case raised with the EU

18 January, 2019Through a meeting with high-level officials on 16 January 2019 in Brussels, Belgium, IndustriALL Global Union, IndustriAll European Trade Union, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) through its Pan-European European Regional Council (PERC) and European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) brought concerns of deteriorating environment for democracy and fundamental rights in Belarus to the European Union authorities.

PROFILE: Belarusian electronics union is no stranger to struggle

17 January, 2019The Belarusian Radio and Electronic Industry Workers’ Union (REP) was formed in November 1990, at a time when countries that had been part of the Soviet Union became independent.

Rubber glove workers in Sri Lanka protest unjust terminations

16 January, 2019Protesting workers at ATG Ceylon, a British-Sri Lankan manufacturer of industrial gloves, are demanding the reinstatement of five terminated union officers and members, and an end to union oppression at the company. 

Strike action reinstates union leaders in Myanmar

10 January, 2019A two-week strike by garment workers at the Chinese-owned Cixing Knitting Factory in Myanmar has ended after the company agreed to reinstate seven sacked union leaders.