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Showing 251-260 of 471 results

Ukrainian coal miners protest against destruction of their industry

24 April, 2015Thousands of coal miners from all over Ukraine came to Kiev on 22 April to rally near the Cabinet of Ministers. Workers promise to keep protesting until the country’s leaders finally listen to their demands.

Rio Tinto shamed by unions

16 April, 2015World leader in workers’ rights abuses, Rio Tinto was targeted today in London by an angry coalition of campaigners calling for the company to clean up and act responsibly.

The fight against outsourcing in Brazil intensifies

16 April, 2015Brazilian workers held a one-day national strike on 15 April in many places across the country to protest at Bill 4330 on outsourcing, which they say threatens workers’ rights and freedom of association.

IndustriALL delegates agree actions and strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean

14 April, 2015More than 80 delegates from 14 countries attended the second IndustriALL Global Union Latin America and Caribbean regional meeting on 9 April in Mexico. Participants agreed on a series of actions and strategies over the coming months to achieve their objectives.

IndustriALL calls on Ecopetrol to reinstate dismissed USO leader

7 April, 2015Edwin Palma, USO vice president, was dismissed by the Colombian oil company Ecopetrol on 27 March after he used social networks to publicise the salaries of company managers. IndustriALL Global Union considers the dismissal to have been unfair and illegal and is calling for Palma’s immediate reinstatement.

Turkey: Metal strike ban still in place

2 April, 2015As the 60-day postponement period following a Cabinet Decree to ban the metal industry strike ends, the fundamental right to strike is still far from reality in Turkey. 

Colombia - declaration of indefinite strike

18 March, 2015Workers in Colombia’s mining and energy sectors face anti-trade union practices, persecution and unfair dismissal. The Coordinating Committee for Trade Union Unity in the Mining and Energy Sectors (CUSME), including the leaders of the three unions involved in the proposed merger, met on 12 and 13 March in Bogota to discuss the next steps in the creation of a national mining and energy union and declared an indefinite strike in the oil sector.

Roche called on to end supplier violations in Turkey at AGM

5 March, 2015Still campaigning for justice and respect for workers at Roche’s partner Deva in Turkey, IndustriALL Global Union, Petrol-Is, and Unia mobilized at the Roche AGM on 3 March. 

Jóvenes y gremios se manifiestan contra ley que reduce salarios

25 February, 2015El miércoles 18 de febrero miles de trabajadores, estudiantes y miembros de distintos gremios sindicales de Perú se reunieron en la Confiep para expresar su rechazo al proyecto de ley Nº 4008, que reduce los salarios de los trabajadores. 

IndustriALL calls for justice on the ninth anniversary of the industrial homicide at Pasta de Conchos

19 February, 2015Nine years have gone by since tragedy struck at Pasta de Conchos. Sixty-five miners lost their lives after being trapped by an explosion at this Grupo Mexico mine. Sixty-three bodies were never recovered and are still in the mine.