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Showing 2411-2420 of 5749 results

Liberian unions demand better working conditions at Firestone rubber plantations

23 August, 2018Unions representing over 10,000 agricultural and industrial workers from the rubber plantations owned by Firestone-Liberia are demanding living wages, better housing, safe drinking water, access to electricity, and an end to discrimination and unfair labour practices.

Australia: 1,600 Alcoa workers strike over job security

23 August, 2018Workers at five Alcoa sites in Western Australia have voted almost unanimously to take indefinite strike action after 20 months of negotiations with Alcoa failed to provide a guarantee of no forced redundancies.

New Zealand: workers at Sistema Plastics campaign for fair contract

22 August, 2018IndustriALL Global Union affiliate E tū is demanding a fair collective bargaining agreement for workers at Sistema Plastics in Auckland, New Zealand, but has reached a standoff with the intransigent management who refuse to offer any additional increase in wages or conditions. Sistema is part of US-based Newell Brands, a producer of plastic storage containers.

New project launched for young Latin Americans

22 August, 2018A new project aimed at young people has just been launched in Latin America and the Caribbean. With the support of DGB Bildungswerk from Germany, IndustriALL is committed to empowering youth. 

USA: IndustriALL backs workers at Ciner Wyoming ahead of union vote

21 August, 2018IndustriALL Global Union is backing workers at Ciner in Wyoming, USA, where company management has intensified its pressure on employees to vote against union representation in an election taking place this week.

ITB Plastics workers strike for permanent jobs in South Africa

21 August, 2018When workers went on strike to demand permanent jobs and better working conditions at ITB Plastics the company called in the South African Police Service who arrested 20 workers. Instead of listening to workers grievances, the company chose intimidation.

IndustriALL creates a ‘macro sector’ for manufacturing industries

21 August, 2018Fifty trade union leaders from the ‘macro sector’ of manufacturing industries across Latin American and the Caribbean met for the first time from 13 to 15 August in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Their aim was to discuss the future world of work and come up with joint initiatives.

Blog - court hearing of the trade union case in Belarus

17 August, 2018Continuous updates from the hearing of the case against Gennady Fedynich and Ihar Komlik, chairman and chief accountant of IndustriALL affiliate Radio and Electronics Industry Workers’ Union (REP), accused of tax evasion.

Lesotho: workers celebrate minimum wage victory

17 August, 2018After a petition to the Prime Minister, marches and demonstrations by thousands of workers to the ministry of labour and to parliament, the Government of Lesotho finally agreed to a minimum wage of LSL2,000 (US$138) for factory workers.

Pakistan: 19 miners including rescue workers die in coal mine accident

16 August, 2018 On 12 August 2018, two days before Pakistan’s Independence Day, a total of 19 including 13 coal miners and six rescue workers died in a horrific accident at Sanjidi coalmine near Quetta in Baluchistan province.