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Showing 241-250 of 295 results

Dunaferr dispute ends in agreement

5 March, 2013After a seven day strike the representatives of steel maker ISD Dunaferr and IndustriALL Global Union affiliate VASAS signed their wage and social contract for 2013 on 27 February in Hungary.

Union campaign at Bashneft a success

28 February, 2013Russian Chemical Workers’ Union (RCWU), an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, reports that the international solidarity campaign brought concrete results—pressure on union locals in Orenburg and Ufa, Russia, stopped, and a union representative was included in collective bargaining negotiations.

Sintracarbón continues on strike but open to negotiations

21 February, 2013The union representing workers at Cerrejón has attended all scheduled negotiating meetings and has conducted itself in a respectful manner. The company has broken off talks but the union remains open to reaching an agreement.

Electricity workers speak up in Russia

21 February, 2013More than 500 electricity workers from across Russia gathered in central Moscow on 20 February to demand 25 per cent wage rise.

UAW leads pickets for decent jobs at Flex-N-Gate

14 February, 2013The United Autoworkers (UAW) mobilized together with non-union workers simultaneously at seven plants across the US on 13 February, together calling on their employer Flex-N-Gate to respect their rights to decent work and trade union rights.

Workers on strike at Cerrejón in Colombia

8 February, 2013Workers at Carbones del Cerrejón, represented by their union, Sintracarbón, have begun a strike for improved working conditions. Negotiations failed to reach an agreement and the interim settlement deadline passed without the company making an acceptable offer.

Paper workers celebrate victories in Indonesia

31 January, 2013Members of two Indonesian unions, affiliates of IndustriALL through the Federation of Pulp and Paper Workers’ Union (FSP2KI) are celebrating victory in Indonesia.

Carbones de Cerrejón workers vote to go on strike

31 January, 2013Carbones de Cerrejón workers in Colombia have voted to go on strike at the beginning of February. Their union, Sintracarbón, is hoping that the company will make a new proposal that will meet workers’ demands and end the dispute that began on 29 November last year.

Chilean miners at Minera Escondida win million peso bonus

31 January, 2013Chilean miners will receive an unprecedented bonus of 23 million pesos (US$ 48,665) and a 5 per cent pay rise as part of an early conclusion to negotiations. The miners’ union said it was only right that the company should share its profits with the workers.

Historic win for Rio Tinto workers

23 January, 2013Rio Tinto has agreed to resume negotiations with IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Australian Workers Union (AWU), after Fair Work Australia agreed that the majority of the workers at Bell Bay wanted to collectively bargain for pay and conditions.