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Showing 241-250 of 278 results

New EU Compact urges companies to immediately sign Bangladesh Accord

8 July, 2013A new initiative between the Government of Bangladesh, the European Union and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) today gives full backing to the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Safety Accord implementation – moving forward

7 July, 2013The broad coalition of trade unions - led by IndustriALL and UNI - and 91 market leading clothing brands and retailers today announces the next steps to implement the historic Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.

OECD National Contact Points support Bangladesh Accord

27 June, 2013IndustriALL and UNI welcome the decision of the OECD National Contact Points for OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises to support the Accord on Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety as a robust and credible program which commits the brands to work with local stakeholders to guarantee the safety of workers.

Big Six in Denmark sign Bangladesh Safety Deal

25 June, 2013Denmark’s top six retail brands agree to sign up to the Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Accord which now is now backed by more than 60 global brands.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon backs Bangladesh Safety Deal

20 June, 2013United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has pledged his full support for the Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Accord which already has more than 50 global retail brands signed up.

Campaign for workers’ rights continues in Bangladesh

14 June, 2013Already 50 global brands and retailers have signed the historic Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, launching a major project to make the country’s garment industry safe and sustainable. However, IndustriALL’s campaign to improve labour rights and minimum wages continues.

Bangladeshi unions reject inadequate labour law changes

13 June, 2013 Bangladeshi union leaders have rejected new labour law proposals drawn up by the government, saying they failed to improve their right to organize workers and guarantee freedom of association.

IndustriALL, UNI and ITUC visit Bangladesh

6 June, 2013A joint mission of IndustriALL, UNI and ITUC visits Dhaka to push for a labour law reform and implementation of the historic Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh which more than 40 leading clothing brands have signed.

Getting it wrong: Walmart and GAP run away from Bangladesh Accord

31 May, 2013As the number of retail companies signing up to the Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Accord continues to grow, the garment workers of Bangladesh have been given a slap in the face by Walmart and GAP.

IndustriALL Executive Committee pays homage to Marcello Malentacchi

29 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee grieves for Marcello Malentacchi and the 1,127 Bangladeshi garment workers killed at Rana Plaza, while welcoming the binding Accord with the leading clothing brands on fire and building safety.