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Showing 241-250 of 667 results

New global trade union alliance formed at WestRock

14 September, 2018Building solidarity and joint action, unions from around the world affiliated to IndustriALL and UNI Global Union have formed a new alliance of workers at the multinational paper and packaging company WestRock.

Indian cement unions show concrete organizing results

13 September, 2018IndustriALL Global Union held a cement union workshop on 10-11 September in Udaipur, India. Trade union leaders from across the country discussed trade union strategies for the growing cement sector on the Indian subcontinent.

Sub Saharan African regional meeting discusses how to assess union strength

12 September, 2018Building strong unions requires checking the pulse of the union in governance, union structures, operational policies, sound administration, an active membership, and the payment of union dues.

Shipbreaking unions in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh meet to coordinate union building

5 September, 2018IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh met to coordinate their campaigns for the rights of shipbreaking workers on 31 August and 1 September in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Asia Pacific: BASF Regional Trade Union Network continues to grow

4 September, 2018At its meeting in Singapore on 30-31 August 2018, union representatives from BASF operations in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and Vietnam took decisions to strengthen their regional network, adopt a new work programme and form a new coordination structure. The meeting also received reports from BASF operations in Japan and Singapore.

New project launched for young Latin Americans

22 August, 2018A new project aimed at young people has just been launched in Latin America and the Caribbean. With the support of DGB Bildungswerk from Germany, IndustriALL is committed to empowering youth. 

Strengthening union organizing as Ethiopia industrializes

12 August, 2018With more industrial parks being opened in Ethiopia as part of government’s industrialization strategies, unions are taking the opportunity to recruit, organize and build their capacity for effective collective bargaining. 

Mozambique: Union demands better wage deal from Sasol

10 August, 2018Oil and gas workers employed by multinational, Sasol, with operations in Canada, USA and South Africa, are demanding better wages and working conditions.

Iran: IndustriALL escalates union building and solidarity with UMMI

9 August, 2018IndustriALL Global Union opens a new period in supporting its Iranian affiliate the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) through a leadership capacity building session in Sapanca, Turkey, on 6-8 August, to develop a plan for further cooperation and solidarity. IndustriALL’s Turkish metal affiliate United Metalworkers’ Union (Birleşik Metal-İş) provides essential input.

Indian auto and garment workers move to strengthen union power

2 August, 2018IndustriALL South Asia Office organized consecutive workshops for auto sector workers on 28-29 July, and for garment workers on 26-27 July in Chennai, focusing on strengthening union power.