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Showing 241-250 of 389 results

IndustriALL and CCC denounce Palla shoemaker in Sri Lanka

25 September, 2014The IndustriALL affiliated FTZGSEU union in Sri Lanka is campaigning for workers’ justice at Palla and Company Ltd. after mass sackings and union-busting by the employer. Bata is one of the major brands to have sourced from Palla and now needs to live up to its supply chain responsibilities.

Turkey: Deva Continues to Sicken Union Members with More Dismissals

24 September, 2014IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate Petrol-Is keeps campaigning against wild union busting engaged by pharmaceutical manufacturer Deva Holding. The count of the dismissed workers reached 24, sacked simply for signing up with the union.

UN body criticizes free trade

23 September, 2014On UNCTAD’s 50th anniversary, its 2014 Trade and Development Report challenges the dominant theory of world trade that reducing trade barriers is the route to development

Goodyear Unions Committed to Revive Global Network

11 September, 2014More than thirty participants representing workers employed by the third largest tire-maker from the United States, Turkey, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Netherlands unanimously decided to re-activate the Goodyear Global Union Network which had been formed in 1999.

Australian unions protest denial of visas to dismissed Ansell workers

26 August, 2014Unions held a rally outside of Ansell’s Australian headquarters following the denial of entry visas to a delegation of Sri Lankan union members. The Australian government denied the visas in an apparent attempt to shield glove and condom maker Ansell from public exposure of its harsh and unjust treatment of its workers in Sri Lanka.

Honeywell Once Again Locks USW Members Out in the US

18 August, 2014Honeywell Inc.’s uranium conversion facility in Metropolis, Illinois has locked out nearly 150 members of the United Steelworkers (USW) Local 7-669 trying to break the union. IndustriALL Global Union gives full support to the campaign with its affiliates worldwide.

Unions at Rio Tinto gear up for global day of action

14 August, 2014Union leaders from seven countries at mining giant Rio Tinto came together at the United Steelworkers Convention this week to discuss plans for their upcoming global day of action.

Customers, students, NGOs and unions all demand that NXP “Bring Back the 24!”

14 August, 2014Electronics multinational NXP is coming under increasing pressure to reinstate the 24 union members it sacked three months ago in Cabuyao, Philippines. NXP’s corporate strategy in response to the pressure has been to repeatedly delay any intervention to wear down the MWAP union.

Akzo Nobel Korea refuses to recognize IndustriALL affiliate KCTF

11 August, 2014Korean workers at Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings Korea are being refused their right to collective bargaining after successfully organizing a majority of the 115-strong workforce. IndustriALL is intervening.

Kimberly Clark Workers in Turkey End 43-day Strike with Gains

8 August, 2014IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate Tümka-İş has managed to obtain new gains through determined industrial action of its 215 members at Kimberly Clark’s operation in the town Gebze.