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Showing 231-240 of 297 results

Don’t criminalize the right to strike in Spain, IndustriALL demands

14 February, 2014IndustriALL Global Union has appealed to the Attorney General in Spain for a fair trial of Airbus union members, who face eight years in prison after taking part in a General Strike on 29 September 2010.

Arrested striking miners released but the struggle continues

12 February, 2014All 28 striking miners detained by the Iranian authorities at the Chadormalu Mine in the central province of Yazd have been released and the strike has been called off. However with major issues unresolved it could easily restart in the near future.

Unilever alienating workers in South Africa and UK

12 February, 2014Trade unions continue to rally against the anti-union management policies of food and chemical giant Unilever. IndustriALL joins IUF in condemning latest anti-worker in the UK and South Africa.

Support Hungarian chemical workers striking for rights

11 February, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is joining the call for international solidarity from Hungarian affiliate the Federation of Chemical Workers of Hungary (VDSZ).

IndustriALL calls on Egyptian government to respond to strikers’ demands

11 February, 2014Around 22,000 workers are currently striking at Egypt’s largest state-owned textile company in Mahalla.

Global unions and 30 major brands call on Cambodian government to investigate deadly violence

20 January, 2014IndustriALL Global Union, UNI Global Union, and the ITUC have joined forces with 30 global brands to urge the Cambodian government to investigate the recent use of deadly force against striking garment workers.

Scab-made medical gloves sicken Ansell workers in Sri Lanka

19 November, 2013Australian-based manufacturer of medical gloves and condoms, Ansell continues to attack its workers. Suspending striking trade union members in Sri Lanka and replacing them with contracted scabs puts a bad stain on Ansell’s products that are exported throughout the world.

Support action at the ILO to defend the right to strike

18 November, 2013Join IndustriALL Global Union in the support for the International Trade Union Confederation's (ITUC) action to defend the right to strike!

Violent end to Indonesian strike

5 November, 2013A national strike was held in Indonesia on 31 October and 1 November with more than 1,5 million participants. Although peaceful demonstrations were held in most regions, violent outbreaks injured a number people.

7000 South African mineworkers to strike

1 November, 2013Over 7000 members of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) will on Sunday go on strike at Northam Platinum after the union had served the employer with its intention to strike.