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Showing 231-240 of 432 results

Mexican unions continue fighting against rising petrol prices

23 January, 2017IndustriALL affiliates in Mexico are protesting against rising petrol prices, announced on 1 January. Action started the following day around the country, and unions say they will continue until the government backtracks.

NAM must reinstate fired union representative

17 January, 2017A Dutch trade unionist will be in court on 19 January, demanding that his dismissal after 31 years from the oil company NAM, in which Shell and Esso own 50 per cent respectively, be overturned. He was dismissed with immediate effect in October last year after being falsely accused of having spread sensitive information relating to the company's pension scheme.

Norwegian oil company DNO targeted by unions

12 January, 2017Failure to pay workers in Yemen has made Norwegian oil company, DNO, a target of a trade union campaign.

Trinidad oil workers’ union wins pay increase

12 January, 2017IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate in Trinidad and Tobago, has won a hard-fought battle for a pay rise, after 5,000 oil workers threatened strike action against state oil company Petrotrin. 

Oil workers battle against restructuring of Turkish Petroleum

5 January, 2017Oil workers in Turkey were forced to call off a press conference and demonstration against plans to restructure Turkish Petroleum, following a ban by the Government. 

Major strike looms at Trinidad oil company

5 January, 2017Some 5,000 oil workers in Trinidad and Tobago are poised for strike action over attempts by the state-owned oil company to impose a six-year wage freeze.

Gas Natural Fenosa plans on keeping its Colombian subsidiary Electricaribe

22 December, 2016Gas Natural Fenosa has stated its intention to invest in its Colombian subsidiary, Electricaribe at a meeting in Madrid with IndustriALL affiliate, Sintraelecol.

DNO Yemen has property seized for failing to pay workers

15 December, 2016Following its illegal withdrawal from the country Norwegian oil company DNO has had its property and assets seized by Yemeni authorities. IndustriALL demands that the seized valuables be used to reimburse arrears in wages and benefits of DNO workers in Yemen, who have not been paid for their work for over a year since June 2015.

Iran: petroleum workers win back pay after strike action

13 December, 2016Workers at the Bushehr Petrochemical Complex won unpaid wages after taking strike action last week.

Dutch union threatens strike action at Shell over failure to agree new collective agreement

9 December, 2016Dutch union FNV has indicated that it will take strike action at the Pernis refinery in the Netherlands if Shell does not meet its demands.