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Showing 231-240 of 339 results

Support Amnesty International campaign for jailed Korean trade union leader

18 March, 2014Korean trade union leader and human rights defender Kim Jungwoo risks receiving a further prison sentence at an appeal hearing on 4 April. In jail since June 2013 for protesting in support of dismissed workers and their families, fears are mounting that he will be given a heavier sentence by Seoul High Court as part of a continued crackdown on trade unionists.

Stop the persecution of trade unionists at Honda Mexico!

11 February, 2014Three leaders of the Honda workers’ trade union, the Sindicato de Trabajadores Unidos de Honda de México (STUHM) and an activist accompanying them, were detained while distributing leaflets outside the Honda factory. Police officers used excessive force when arresting them, held them incommunicado for hours and subjected them to physical and psychological torture.

India - 2000 protestors march to free jailed Maruti Suzuki workers

3 February, 2014More than 2000 demonstrators took to the streets in New Delhi on Friday to demand the release of 147 Maruti Suzuki workers arrested in July 2012.

Legal victory for Honda workers’ independent union in Mexico

3 February, 2014The Honda workers’ trade union, the Sindicato de Trabajadores Unidos de Honda México (STUHM) has had to overcome many obstacles in its long struggle for the right to represent workers for collective bargaining purposes.

Nissan workers denied right to organize

23 October, 2013Ten-hour shifts, removed pensions, low pay, and forced to work nights and weekends. Add to that implicit threats of closure of the factory or pay decrease when workers voice their desire to form a union. This is the reality of workers at the Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi.

Russian autoworkers celebrate victory at Antolin

22 October, 2013IndustriALL congratulates its Russian affiliate Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA) with a victory through a successful strike at auto part producer Antolin plant in St. Petersburg.

Honda workers meet in Mexico City

16 October, 2013On 30 September to 3 October an Automotive Industry Meeting was held jointly by IndustriALL Global Union and FES Mexico in Mexico City. After the meeting IndustriALL’s Fernando Lopes, Helmut Lense and Suzanna Miller facilitated a meeting between the high- level representatives from JAW and Honda Unions in Japan, and two representatives from the independent Honda Workers Union (STUHM) from the Jalisco plant in Mexico.

Strike over and another averted in South Africa

10 October, 2013A strike by Numsa members in the motor sector ended, whilst a strike in the coal sector was averted by the NUM. Both unions negotiated above inflation wage increases that were satisfactory to members.

One strike off one strike on for Numsa

3 October, 2013A three week strike of fuel pump attendants represented by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) has ended but a strike in the motor sector continues, now in its fourth week.

Mutual support organising US VW plant

19 September, 2013All plants of the German auto manufacturer Volkswagen worldwide are unionised and have a Workers' Representative System. Efforts are turned to the only outstanding plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee.