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Showing 2261-2270 of 5749 results

Strong union presence in renewables is key to future

12 December, 2018IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from the mechanical engineering sector met in Gothenburg, Sweden, on 10 and 11 December 2018 to explore organizing in the rapidly growing renewables sector.

Austrian, Croatian and Slovenian textile unions cooperate on organizing

12 December, 2018Unions from three countries agreed to cooperate on organizing and collective bargaining in Austrian-owned leather companies in Croatia and Slovenia, at a seminar in Zagreb, Croatia, on 3-4 December 2018.

IndustriALL mounts pressure on Volkswagen to engage with US union

11 December, 2018IndustriALL Global Union is calling on German car manufacturer Volkswagen to immediately enter into bargaining negotiation with workers at the VW plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee represented by the UAW

Unions in Hungary protest against “slavery law”

11 December, 201810,000 workers demonstrated in Hungary’s capital Budapest on 8 December, to protest against proposed changes to the labour law, by some critics dubbed a “slavery law”.

Bangladesh government attempts to paralyze Accord and strip its independence

10 December, 2018The Bangladesh government is using proceedings before the Supreme Court of Bangladesh to prevent the Accord from operating, thereby putting workers’ safety at risk.

Gender equality: not just an issue for women

6 December, 2018It’s time to make gender equality a priority 
for the whole trade union movement.

Union activists tortured in Iran as strike wave spreads

6 December, 2018A wave of strike action across the province of Khuzestan has led to the arrest and torture of leading activists.

Lesotho union observes AIDS Day

6 December, 2018One in six adults in Lesotho are living with HIV and AIDS according to UNAIDS. These include young women workers from the textile and garment sector, and unions are taking this up as part of their organizing.

Shell’s hidden shame - Contract workers on the poverty line in Nigeria

5 December, 2018Oscar Tamuno*, a driver for major Shell contractor, Plantgeria, has not had a wage increase in eight years. After paying taxes, pension contributions and union dues, he takes home 94,000 naira a month (US$258) working a 12-hour day, six days a week. And yet, Oscar is better off than many of his co-workers.* Not his real name.

Welcome to global worker

5 December, 20182018 has been a year of bleak headlines, as democracy crumbles and rightwing authoritarian populists advance across the world. The human rights and global governance victories that we won are eroding; racists, xenophobes and warmongers feel the wind of opportunity at their backs.But instead of succumbing to despair, we focus on building strong unions to defend workers’ rights, and to stand up for our progressive values.