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Showing 211-220 of 371 results

Mines in Colombia still unsafe

19 May, 2015On 13 May, 15 miners died after being trapped in a flooded gold mine in Riosucio, Colombia. After either an explosion inside the mine or cut-off the electricity supply, the pumps stopped working and the mine was flooded. Mine owner, Leonardo Mejía, said that 15 of the 80 miners working in the mine were killed.

Chemical unions determined to defend and advance workers’ rights

12 May, 2015Around 200 delegates from some 40 countries representing chemical workers gathered in Hannover, Germany on 6 - 7 May. Participants at IndustriALL Global Union’s World Conference for the Chemical Industries debated challenges and identified responses of the unions.

Drummond acquitted despite accidents and threats

7 May, 2015A six-year legal battle came to an end when the United States Court of Appeal ruled in favour of US-based coal company Drummond, accused of conspiring with paramilitary groups, involvement in a workplace accident and threatening to dismiss workers in Colombia. 

IndustriALL empowers women workers in Kenya

21 April, 2015On 24 and 25 March a special training for 25 women from IndustriALL affiliates in Nairobi was organized. The women got an understanding of their role in the family and society and learned about women's leadership. They are leaders who just need the opportunity to take off.

Ghana must combat precarious work

16 April, 2015Ghana needs good industrial jobs, not precarious work, IndustriALL Global Union general secretary Jyrki Raina tells the labour minister during his visit to Accra.

The fight against outsourcing in Brazil intensifies

16 April, 2015Brazilian workers held a one-day national strike on 15 April in many places across the country to protest at Bill 4330 on outsourcing, which they say threatens workers’ rights and freedom of association.

IndustriALL delegates agree actions and strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean

14 April, 2015More than 80 delegates from 14 countries attended the second IndustriALL Global Union Latin America and Caribbean regional meeting on 9 April in Mexico. Participants agreed on a series of actions and strategies over the coming months to achieve their objectives.

Women show the way in Mexico

9 April, 2015IndustriALL Global Union and its Mexican mining union affiliate Los Mineros organized a women's meeting on 7 April 2015 in Mexico City on the eve of the second Regional Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean.

IndustriALL calls on Ecopetrol to reinstate dismissed USO leader

7 April, 2015Edwin Palma, USO vice president, was dismissed by the Colombian oil company Ecopetrol on 27 March after he used social networks to publicise the salaries of company managers. IndustriALL Global Union considers the dismissal to have been unfair and illegal and is calling for Palma’s immediate reinstatement.

Colombia - declaration of indefinite strike

18 March, 2015Workers in Colombia’s mining and energy sectors face anti-trade union practices, persecution and unfair dismissal. The Coordinating Committee for Trade Union Unity in the Mining and Energy Sectors (CUSME), including the leaders of the three unions involved in the proposed merger, met on 12 and 13 March in Bogota to discuss the next steps in the creation of a national mining and energy union and declared an indefinite strike in the oil sector.