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Showing 2061-2070 of 5768 results

Welcome to global worker

20 May, 2019This issue of Global Worker is published at a time when the global political and economic climate continues to deteriorate. 

Building union power in broader Europe

20 May, 2019Brexit, climate change and decarbonization, Industry 4.0, labour migration, political instability, trade wars supplemented with violations of trade union rights – all of these challenges inside and outside Europe require new answers from workers and their unions who have no other option but to work together.

FEATURE: Why we need international union solidarity now more than ever

20 May, 2019A world in crisis needs a pathway to a better future. Unions can provide it. 

Drummond wages anti-union campaign in Colombia

20 May, 2019Drummond Ltd Colombia is waging an anti-union campaign against Asociación Sindical de Empleados de Drummond (ASED), a duly constituted trade union established in accordance with Colombia’s labour laws and regulations.

SPECIAL REPORT: Why is mining still so dangerous?

20 May, 2019Despite labour regulations and the efforts of unions, mining accidents take the lives of thousands of workers every year around the world and seriously damage the environment. Why is mining still so dangerous?

Bangladesh Accord achievements secured

19 May, 2019A breakthrough agreement has been reached between the Accord and the Bangladesh garment employers’ association (BGMEA) that will ensure that the progress made on factory safety in Bangladesh will continue. On 19 May, the agreement was accepted by the Bangladesh Appellate Court which has given permission for the Accord to continue during a 12 month transition period.

IndustriALL, PSI and UNI to build Fresenius worker network

17 May, 2019On 16-17 May, unions from four continents met in Frankfurt to coordinate their joint demand for labour rights throughout the operations of Fresenius. The German based multinational company is a market leading private health care provider, owning hospitals, dialysis clinics, and producing medicines and medical devices.

Kenyan union signs collective agreement with Isuzu East Africa

17 May, 2019The signing of a collective bargaining agreement with Isuzu East Africa shows that wages and working conditions can be improved when unions and employers adopt a conciliatory approach to labour relations.

Global unions challenge LafargeHolcim shareholders

16 May, 2019IndustriALL Global Union, Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) and the Belgian trade union Centrale Générale / Fédération Générale des Travailleurs de Belgique (CG-FGTB) informed shareholders of the cement multinational LafargeHolcim at their annual general meeting held on 15 May 2019 in Switzerland about the misbehaviour of the company and demanded respect for the workers worldwide.

3,000 jobs lost expose precarious working conditions in Zambia’s copper mines

16 May, 2019Glencore’s Mopani Copper Mine announced that it will close two shafts and retrench 600 permanent workers and a further 1,500 from contracted companies, and Zambian unions are angry.