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Showing 2031-2040 of 5752 results

Safety crisis in Bangladesh shipbreaking yards continues

29 May, 2019At least eight workers have been killed, and 35 injured this year in accidents in Bangladeshi shipbreaking yards. The number of fatalities since 2017 is around 47.

US judge orders new union vote at Kumho Tire

28 May, 2019In a significant victory for IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the United Steelworkers (USW), a judge has ruled that a new union vote must take place at Kumho Tire in Georgia, USA, after it found the company violated workers’ rights.

British Steel workers deserve a future

27 May, 2019IndustriALL Global Union backs the call by its UK affiliates for a long term solution to save British Steel.

Innovative union organizing strategies tackled in Philippine workshop

27 May, 2019Trade unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union in the Philippines resolved to execute new ways to organize unions and increase membership, during a three-day workshop in Tanay, Rizal, from 21-23 May.

African unions want an inclusive free trade agreement

27 May, 2019Unions are being excluded from negotiations on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) because of a fast-track approach being used by governments. The unions are demanding that the AfCFTA should respect workers’ rights and labour standards as found in national laws and International Labour Organization Conventions. 

Torrent Pharmaceutical workers in India beaten and fired after joining union

27 May, 2019When Torrent Pharmaceutical workers in Himachal Pradesh became members of the Association of Chemical Workers Union in October 2018, management unleashed a series of vindictive actions aimed at union busting.

Chilean BHP unions join forces to face challenges

24 May, 2019The National Coordination of Unions for BHP Billiton in Chile will work with IndustriALL to strengthen the global network of BHP unions, aiming to protect workers’ rights in all countries where the company operates.

Lockout continues at Dow Texas chemical plant

22 May, 2019Members of IndustriALL affiliate the United Steelworkers (USW) Local 13-1 have been locked out of a chemical plant owned by Dow in Deer Park, near Houston, Texas, for more than a month.

IndustriALL again demands Shell address violations in supply chain

22 May, 2019IndustriALL Global Union, together with trade union affiliates from Nigeria and the Netherlands, called on Shell to address workers’ rights violations in its supply chain at the company’s annual general meeting (AGM) in The Hague on 21 May.

Organizing in the textile and garment sector in Thailand

21 May, 2019IndustriALL organized the first workshop in Thailand on organizing in the supply chain for textile, garment, shoes and leather (TGSL) sector affiliate, Textile Garment and Leather Workers’ Federation of Thailand (TWFT) on 3-4 May in Bangkok.