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Showing 201-210 of 295 results

3,600 oil workers in Jordan prepare to strike

21 March, 2014The General Union of Petroleum & Chemical Workers in Jordan has spent several weeks trying to get the government to respond to the demands raised by 3,600 workers representing the total workforce of Jordan's only oil refinery. The government's refusal to enter into dialogue has left them with no other option than to announce a full strike for 24 March.

Japanese metalworkers secured the biggest pay rise since 1999

20 March, 2014The 2014 yearly wage bargaining Spring Labor Offensive by the Japanese metalworkers’ unions achieved reasonable results.

Workers win wage victory in Myanmar

18 March, 2014Collective bargaining by a Myanmar union has succeeded in securing a 20 per cent wage increase for workers at the Yes 1 Garment factory in the country’s industrial centre, Yangon.

Indonesian paper workers striking for fair wages and rights

4 March, 2014IndustriALL’s Indonesian affiliate FSP2KI leads the struggle against Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) after the company illegally broke off collective bargaining talks and called in the local army and police to intimidate workers against supporting the union in West Java.

Landmark AWU deal with Rio Tinto gives greater job security for workers

18 February, 2014IndustriALL has welcomed a breakthrough deal by the Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) with mining and metals giant Rio Tinto, which will provide better job security for workers.

Worker action succeeds at Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers

13 February, 2014178 paper sector workers employed by Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers (MSM) Ltd have staged a successful sit-in at the factory in protest at being laid off without compensation.

Unilever alienating workers in South Africa and UK

12 February, 2014Trade unions continue to rally against the anti-union management policies of food and chemical giant Unilever. IndustriALL joins IUF in condemning latest anti-worker in the UK and South Africa.

IndustriALL calls on Egyptian government to respond to strikers’ demands

11 February, 2014Around 22,000 workers are currently striking at Egypt’s largest state-owned textile company in Mahalla.

IndustriALL protests arrests of striking miners in Iran

5 February, 2014Over 20 striking miners and their leaders have been arrested in Iran despite their action being legal – even under the repressive political environment and labour legislation of the country.

FirstEnergy and Penelec persist with lockout

6 January, 2014Despite severe winter storm and potential outages in U.S. the electric company Penelec and its parent company FirstEnergy remain reluctant to consider union proposals and concerns and proceed with lockout of utility workers.