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Showing 201-210 of 272 results

Court rules compensation for dismissed autoworkers in Malaysia

29 October, 2018The industrial court of Malaysia has ruled in October in favour of workers who will be paid MYR1.1 million (US$265,000 US) of their wages retroactively since their dismissal in August 2013. All are members of IndustriALL’s Malaysian affiliate, the National Union of Transport Equipment & Allied Industries Union (NUTEAIW).

Celebrating 14 weeks maternity leave

16 October, 2018In Jakarta on 10 October, 450 unionists from IndustriALL’s Indonesian affiliates celebrated a successful campaign for 14 weeks maternity leave, aiming to encourage more unions and employers to include improved maternity protection in collective agreements as well as national legislation.

Victory as the Philippines passes expanded maternity leave law

2 October, 2018Approved in the bicameral committee conference on 1 October, the Philippines are now moving towards 15 weeks paid maternity leave. The law, known as the 105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law of 2018, increases the current paid maternity leave from 60 or 78 to 105 days. Yet to be signed by the President, the bill is the result of an intense campaign led mostly by IndustriALL affiliated unions and partners.

Italian steelworkers validate agreement with ArcelorMittal

19 September, 2018Ilva Group workers - members of the IndustriALL affiliates Fim-Cisl, Fiom-Cgil and Uilm-Uil – voted by a very large majority of 93 per cent to approve the new agreement concluded on 6 September between the Ministry of Economic Development, trade unions and ArcelorMittal.

Interview: Napoleón Gómez Urrutia’s return to Mexico a triumph for freedom of association

11 September, 2018After 12 years of self-imposed exile in Canada, the leader of the Los Mineros union, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia, has finally returned to Mexico, where he will take on a new role as senator for the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) party led by President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador. 

Signatories to the 2018 Accord

10 September, 2018A list of brands and retailers that have signed the 2018 Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.

Mexican union leader, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia, sworn in as senator

30 August, 2018IndustriALL Global Union marked a historic moment as Mexican union leader, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia, returned to his country after 12 years in exile to be sworn in as senator, in a ceremony in Mexico City on 29 August. 

Lesotho: workers celebrate minimum wage victory

17 August, 2018After a petition to the Prime Minister, marches and demonstrations by thousands of workers to the ministry of labour and to parliament, the Government of Lesotho finally agreed to a minimum wage of LSL2,000 (US$138) for factory workers.

Solidarity works – Orona elevator workers in Norway conclude agreement

2 August, 2018Norwegian elevator constructors’ union who went on strike when their employer Orona, a multinational lift producing and maintenance company based in Spain, refused to negotiate a collective agreement, has won an important victory.

Turkey: “Strike ban is violation of fundamental right”, rules Constitutional Court

2 August, 2018Turkey's Constitutional Court has ruled that the cabinet decree banning IndustriALL’s affiliate United Metalworkers’ Union (Birleşik Metal-İş) decision to strike in 2015 is a clear violation of the trade union rights enshrined in the country's constitution. The Court also ruled the Turkish government to pay compensation to Birleşik Metal-İş.