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Showing 201-210 of 471 results

IndustriALL’s Global Worker is out now

26 May, 2016IndustriALL Global Union’s seventh edition of Global Worker is out and includes a new set of profiles, reports and interviews from a workers’ perspective.

Los Mineros commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Lázaro Cárdenas tragedy

25 April, 201620 April will be the tenth anniversary of the tragedy at the Lázaro Cárdenas steel plant, Mexico. Two workers were killed in a federal and state security forces operation to evict them from the plant.

Italian metalworkers hold a successful national strike

21 April, 2016On 20 April, Italian metalworkers held a massive successful mobilization during a four-hour national strike across the country.

Workers ask Brazilian senator to mediate in dispute over union recognition at Nissan

14 April, 2016After hearing evidence on Nissan’s anti-union practices in the USA, Senator Paulo Paim agreed to ask the Nissan CEO to allow unionisation of the plant.

IndustriALL Pulp and Paper Work Group sets active agenda

12 April, 2016The Pulp and Paper Work Group of IndustriALL Global Union brings together leading trade unions in the sector to plan and coordinate joint work. At the meeting on 4 April in Pittsburgh hosted by the United Steelworkers (USW), the unions exchanged information on employment, bargaining and the industry as a whole, and made campaign plans.

South Korea: IndustriALL builds solidarity in fight back against government crackdown

31 March, 2016A high-level IndustriALL Global Union delegation conducted a solidarity mission to South Korea, to show support for the union struggle, and to publicly mobilize to ensure the Park administration respects workers’ fundamental rights.

ArcelorMittal closes plant in Trinidad & Tobago leaving 600 workers unemployed

30 March, 2016ArcelorMittal has closed down its steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago after adopting a policy of temporary lay-offs during the last four months. More than 600 workers have lost their jobs and are working hard to find a solution.

Lexmark workers dismissed for demanding labour rights

29 March, 2016Workers at Lexmark's factory in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico are suffering poor working conditions with low pay and unsafe workplaces. When they tried to fight for their rights and organize an independent union, they were unfairly dismissed. IndustriALL Global Union calls on the Conciliation and Arbitration Board (JCA) to order their reinstatement.

IndustriALL denounces attacks in Turkey and Ivory Coast

15 March, 2016IndustriALL Global Union strongly condemns the recent terrorist attacks in Turkey and Ivory Coast and sends its heartfelt sympathies to the families of those killed in the assaults on Sunday.

Great victory for Los Mineros at ArcelorMittal

15 March, 2016The Mexican Miners’ and Metalworkers’ Union (SNTMMSRM), affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union and better known as Los Mineros, has won a major victory. After a week on strike, it has reached an agreement with ArcelorMittal and found a solution to recent dismissals.