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Showing 21-30 of 242 results

Sri Lanka: unions protest government’s debt restructuring and labour law changes

25 July, 2023Despite heavy rains Sri Lankan unions held a protest in Colombo, on 25 July, against the proposed anti-worker labour law amendments and domestic debt restructuring plan which involves using the hard-earned provident fund amounts of workers and implementing anti-worker labour law amendments.

Brazil enacts law to ensure equal pay for women and men

18 July, 2023Brazilian President Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva has signed a law guaranteeing equal pay for women and men. This is a historic step for a country where women workers earn lower average wages than men, even when their levels of education, jobs and length of service are similar.

Malagasy trade unionist seeks justice

13 July, 2023Malagasy trade unionist, Zotiakobanjinina Fanja Marcel Sento Chang (26), vividly recalls the events leading to his unjust imprisonment for nine months for a social media post about discussions during a meeting with management at the E-Toile SA garment factory in Antananarivo where he worked as a machinist. 

Ghanaian unions to strike against union bashing at Sunon Asogli Power

4 July, 2023The Trades Union Congress (TUC) Ghana, a federation to which 23 unions are affiliated is calling for a national strike on 10 July to protest union bashing after three union leaders were unfairly dismissed at Sunon Asogli Power Ghana Limited in March. 

IndustriALL executive committee meeting calls for peace and social justice

20 June, 2023IndustriALL affiliates’ response to the global crises of war, inequality, poverty, mass starvation, climate disasters, epidemics, and the increasing violations of workers’ and trade union rights were some of the agenda items discussed at IndustriALL’s executive meeting which was held on 19 June in Cape Town. 200 delegates from 60 countries participated in this meeting just ahead of the Mid-Term Policy Conference which also takes place in Cape Town from 20-22 June.  

The role of the ILO

31 May, 2023The mission of the International Labour Organization (ILO) is to promote social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, based on the founding principle that social justice is essential to universal and lasting peace.

Union at Peru’s Antapaccay Mining Company rejects change to shift system

23 May, 2023The union of Antapaccay Mining Company workers (SITRAMINA) is seeking to reverse the change in the company’s shift system. It claims that the new shift pattern is a major health and safety risk and will have a negative impact on workers' family lives.

Trade unions fight for workers’ rights

16 May, 2023Global inequality is on the rise and we need to take action. IndustriALL has developed twelve building blocks needed for a just future and to close the inequality gap. We need fundamental workers’ rights, with full implementation of ILO C87 and C98, and labour laws at national level that allow workers to defend themselves. 

Minera Panama is violating workers’ rights

10 May, 2023Minera Panama, a subsidiary of First Quantum Minerals, is pursuing a policy that violates the fundamental right to organize and bargain collectively. IndustriALL is urging Canadian mining company First Quantum Minerals to ensure respect for the right to freedom of association at its copper mine in Panama.

Union win stops unfair retrenchments at Botswana diamond mine

8 May, 2023The Botswana Mine Workers Union’s (BMWU) win in an industrial court on 28 April has stopped unfair retrenchments at Lucara Botswana’s security department at the Karowe diamond mine, the same mine which unearthed “Lesedi la rona” (our light) in 2015 - the largest diamond to be discovered in a century. The mine has also dug three diamonds with over 1,000 carats each and sold “The Constellation”, an 813-carat diamond for a record US$63 million for a rough gem in 2016.