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Showing 21-30 of 295 results

Malawi energy utility suspends 14 striking workers over wage dispute

14 December, 2023On 7 December over a thousand workers marched and staged a sit-in at the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) operations in the cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe, and Mzuzu to protest a pittance wage offer.  

Tesla strike action spreads across borders

8 December, 2023Six weeks into IF Metall’s strike for a collective agreement at auto manufacturer Tesla, the solidarity strike action is spreading not only in Sweden, but also to neighbouring Denmark and Norway.

Austrian unions secure substantial gains in metalworking bargaining round

8 December, 2023Austrian unions Pro-GE and GPA have emerged as winners from the latest round of bargaining in the metal industry. Following an intense battle and the first walkout in the Austrian metal industry since 2018, the unions' concerted efforts have resulted in significant gains for over 200,000 workers across six sub-sectors.

Unions at ArcelorMittal demand that company puts workers first

29 November, 2023Health and safety, undermining collective agreements, lack of investment, weakening social dialogue, precarious and dangerous working conditions were key issues on the agenda at the ArcelorMittal global network meeting held on 16 and 17 November.

Uruguayan metal workers' union obtains shorter working week

23 November, 2023In a major victory for the union, IndustriALL affiliate in Uruguay, National Union of Metal and Allied Workers (UNTMRA), has managed to obtain a reduction in working hours.

Tesla conflict in Sweden escalates

9 November, 2023As electric car manufacturer Tesla refused to engage in negotiations on a collective agreement, Swedish union IF Metall realised it’s strike warnings on 27 October. With opposition to Tesla’s anti-union attitude growing, other Swedish unions are taking solidarity action to protect the right to collective bargaining. Unions in Norway are set to join the protest.

UAW reaches tentative agreement with all of the Big Three

30 October, 2023IndustriALL affiliate United Auto Workers Union (UAW) have halted strikes at Ford, Stellantis and General Motors plants after reaching tentative agreements on record contracts in a strike that started on 15 September.

IndustriALL Global Union statement on implementation of the ILO Roadmap in Bangladesh

27 October, 2023Several workers’ organisations made a complaint under Article 26 to the International Labour Conference in 2019 on the non-observance of Conventions 81, 87 and 98 by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB). 

Paper and packaging workers on picket line for 137 days

24 October, 2023Workers at the paper and packaging company WestRock, New Jersey, USA, have been on strike for 137 days. Members represented by United Auto Workers Union (UAW) Region 9 have been on the picket line, fighting against the company’s demand that workers leave the union insurance plan and go into the company plan, which would mean a cut to their benefits. 

Working towards a four-day week for steel industry

20 October, 2023An 8.5 per cent wage increase and a reduction in working hours from 35 hours to 32 hours per week with full wage compensation are part of IndustriALL affiliate IG Metall’s, collective bargaining package.