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Showing 21-30 of 207 results

Turkey: textile workers picket for more than 60 days

23 September, 2022Workers at the ETF Tekstil factory in Istanbul, Turkey, are approaching 70 days protesting outside the factory after management closed operations at the end of July. Citing a financial crisis, the employer refuses to pay the more than 300 workers according to the collective agreement.

Union win for Turkish workers

16 June, 2022Nearly five years after they were fired for joining a union, a Turkish court has ruled in favour of the 80 workers dismissed in 2017 and that that Birleşik Metal İş is the representative union in the workplace.

Turkish union signs CBA with auto parts supplier after international solidarity

31 March, 2022IndustriALL Global Union affiliate Petrol-İş has signed a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with Safe Demo Plastik after a ten-year organizing campaign with global support.

Turkish women fight for increased wages

25 March, 2022On this year’s International Women’s Day, trade unions in Turkey highlighted the situation of women in the country, supporting the women workers fighting for their rights. Women are bearing the brunt of Turkey’s increasing inflation - poverty, discrimination and a gender pay gap are daily realities for an increasing number of women workers.

Turkish metalworkers win after united fight

12 January, 2022After months of mobilization, action, and campaigning, three IndustriALL affiliates in the metal sector, Türk Metal, Birleşik Metal-İş and Özçelik-İş, have reached an agreement with employers’ organization MESS for a sector-wide collective bargaining agreement.

Turkish metalworkers fight for a fair contract

6 January, 2022Covering 142,000 metalworkers in more than 300 companies, sector-wide collective bargaining kicked off in October 2021 between trade unions and the Turkish Metal Employers’ Association MESS. Since mid-December, metalworkers have carried out actions, urging employers to accept their demands against the backdrop of Turkey’s economic crisis.

Union win for Turkish workers producing smart phones

23 September, 2021When Salcomp Turkey, who produces smart phones for Chinese Xiaomi, the second largest smartphone maker in the world, fired 170 workers for joining a union, the union members took action. After six days, Salcomp agreed to reinstate all dismissed workers.

Chinese smart phone producer violates workers’ rights in Turkey

3 September, 2021When workers at Salcomp Turkey, business partner of one of the world’s leading smart phone producers, Xiaomi, exercised their fundamental right to join a trade union, they faced intimidation, threats and dismissals.  

IndustriALL Hyundai/Kia trade union network – a platform for global solidarity

8 June, 2021When the IndustriALL Hyundai/Kia trade union network met on 17-18 May, the question if ILO core labour standards will ultimately lead to transnational social dialogue at the Korean automaker was discussed.

Swedish Systemair union busting in Turkey

27 January, 2021Turkish union Birleşik Metal İş has filed a complaint with the OECD over labour relations concerns against Swedish multinational Systemair, after attempts to peacefully resolve a conflict have failed.