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Showing 21-30 of 90 results

Belarus tightens grip on independent trade unions

29 April, 2022Belarusian authorities have escalated their campaign against independent trade unions, with more than 20 union leaders detained so far.

Repression against independent unions in Belarus must stop

20 April, 2022IndustriALL Global Union condemns the escalating repression of the independent trade union movement in Belarus and demands the release of detained activists.

Trade union harassment continues in Belarus

23 March, 2022The situation for trade unions in Belarus continues to deteriorate with union offices being searched and union leaders detained by the police.

Continued repression against independent unions in Belarus

28 February, 2022IndustriALL Global Union condemns in the strongest terms further attacks on union rights in Belarus, where the last couple of days have seen several independent union leaders detained.

Increasing harassment against union leaders and members in Belarus

20 January, 2022The Free Metalworkers' Union (SPM), affiliated to IndustriALL, reports increasing repression against SPM leaders and members during the last months of 2021. Union leaders and members have been fired and detained, some have been forced to flee the country to avoid prosecution.

Stop union busting in Belarus

1 December, 2021Independent unions in Belarus are under threat, as employers and state authorities use every chance to intimidate and dismiss independent union members, thus decreasing membership.

Belarus authorities intensify attacks on independent unions

21 September, 2021The pressure on IndustriALL affiliate Belarusian Independent Trade Union has dramatically increased in the last days. Union leaders and activists have been arrested, fined, and their homes have been searched.

Belarus: fight continues for democracy and labour rights

9 August, 20219 August marks the one-year anniversary of the rigged presidential elections in Belarus which have led to intensified repression and intimidation of civil society, as well as a complete disrespect of fundamental human and workers' rights.

ILC focuses on Belarus’ systematic violation of trade union rights

8 June, 2021On 7 June, during the 109th Session of the International Labour Conference, Belarus was reviewed by the ILO Committee on the Application of Standards for its failure to comply with ILO Convention 87 on freedom of association.

CIS unions demand improved health and safety in mines

25 May, 2021When 60 participants from ten mining unions in seven CIS countries met on 20 May, the need for ratification and proper implementation of ILO Convention 176 on health and safety in mines was discussed.