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Showing 21-30 of 59 results

New cases of Covid-19 in Peru’s mines

13 May, 2020As operations in Peru’s mines continue despite a state of emergency, the National Miners’ and Metalworkers’ Union (FNTMMSP) says 252 miners have contracted the disease and one has died.

Peru’s government puts economic interests before miners’ safety

23 March, 2020Even though Peru’s government has introduced a curfew and state of emergency, mineworkers still have to go to work without any virus-protection measures. 

Unions from five countries meet in Chile to campaign for BHP workers’ rights

23 September, 2019Leaders of IndustriALL Global Union’s BHP network will gather in Santiago, Chile, on 23 - 24 September as part of a worldwide campaign to improve worker rights and to call for an end to the outsourcing of jobs at the mining giant.

Peru: mining strike met with violence and arrests

18 September, 2019Mine workers in Peru have suspended a week long national strike after clashes with the police and the arrest of union members.

Peru: Manufacturing unions facing up to the challenge

8 January, 2019Peru is a bastion of orthodox neoliberalism, where institutions are weak and economic growth is all that matters. But IndustriALL Global Union affiliates (FENAIP, FETRIMAP and FNTTP) are fighting back. They recently agreed to form a national council in order to work closely together, and have planned a series of joint activities as part of a project funded by Union to Union. The two unions in the manufacturing industry are making gains for workers’ rights.

Peru: Workers protest against abuses at Protisa

14 June, 2018On 11 June, workers at Protisa Peru mobilised to protest against job discrimination and the company’s systematic persecution of trade unionists.

Peru: union protests violations of labour rights

20 February, 2018Workers at Alfred H Knight in Peru are mobilizing after a deadlock in collective bargaining and continuing violations of labour rights by the company.

Miners in Peru call national strike against labour reform

24 July, 2017Miners in Peru are taking indefinite national strike action against labour reforms attacking their rights and promoting precarious work.

Workers arrested after a protest at SiderPerú Gerdau

13 June, 2017Police in Peru arrested five workers from SiderPeru Gerdau for participating in a 24-hour strike and a protest against the company’s reluctance to engage in productive collective bargaining

Two thousand miners at Southern Peru Copper on indefinite strike

13 April, 2017Miners at Southern Copper Corporation in Peru are on indefinite strike in support of demands for a bigger share of profits, improvements in medical services, an end to company spying on workers and the reinstatement of dismissed workers.